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Sep 2024

Greetings, all! I'm pleased to announce the release of "Apparent Secrets" as a premium title on Tapas! :tapa_pop:

To celebrate, please drop your slow-burn romances in the comments, so we can share the love! :heart:

:sparkles: Description: :sparkles:
This story chronicles the life of Iris Alcazar, a young woman struggling to survive in the big city, and her three alien roommates who've been called to Earth to help in her time of need. Between battling a crummy boss, a mountain of bills, and declining health, can Iris keep them all safe, alive, and secret?

To all new readers and long-time fans; thank you so very much for your kind attention and support. :heart_03: Here's the new link for anyone looking to start from the beginning:

  • created

    Sep '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
  • 19


  • 313


  • 1


  • 22


  • 9


Congrats on becoming a premium novel!

Slow burn is definitely my way of cooking, so here are mine.

Tho it was love at first sight for male lead, it's not mutual, so the romance is far from whirlwind

15 years counts as slow burn I think

I'm so happy that you won that True Love on tapas contest! You deserve it!

I will definitely re-read (and comment & stuff) when I get a chance... which will require me figuring out how this whole "ink" thing works. Mainly, I'm waiting until you get to the point where you were when you had to take it down. And on a cliffhanger, at that!

My comic main theme isn't romance but it does have a slow burn romance, hope you give it a look ^^

Hahaha, I feel that. As of this writing, all episodes except the latest 12 posted are available on 3-hour WUF, so hopefully that'll help with the ink drain.

I should add that chapters 70 onward will be getting some slight adjustments, so there may be a few new/different things once we get past the dinner date at Giardino's. :wink:

*Edit to add: Anyone who's read more than 20 chapters qualifies for a limited time gift of three (3) passes to chapters. I think they expire October 3rd. :blush:

Congrats on being premium! I still need to catch on your work, but I’d do want to say gracias for liking mine so far, really means a lot! :purple_heart: :pray:

You're welcome! :blush:

I hear you on catching up on stories; that "to be read" pile's getting pretty high on my end, but I'm always down for a good story. :wink: I hope you enjoy "Apparent Secrets" and "Of Lowlifes, Lutes, & Liars."

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Hahaha, Bree's definitely got :fire: energy, especially with ghost Karen lurking about! :rofl:
Thanks so much for your support! :heart_03:

Congratulations on your premium launch! That's so exciting!

Sloooooow burn is definitely how I would describe the state of the romance in my fantasy novel. But I'll just use the emojis (other commentary redacted to avoid spoilers) from a recent comment to illustrate the fact that it does, indeed, burn:


I have a daily comic strip called The Experiment check it out, subscribe let me know if you like it or if you don't either way is cool with me. The Experiment

I'm so surprise to see it on my top featured panels. Congratulations on the launch of your new premium novel! :tada::tada:So happy for you, and wow, those illustrations and colors are so pleasing to the eye! I think you’re already subscribed to other stories, but I’ll post this here anyway—it's a slow-burn romance still in its early phase. For anyone who enjoys mystery, dark themes, and slow-burn romance, give this one a try:

Oh hey there! :heart_02: Thank you so much for your support!

I'm subbed to "In the World of Dominance," and looking forward to more! :heart: