7 / 9
Apr 2021

I've looked for info on this in the Studio Tapas website, but could only find the submission forms for Premium series and if you want to apply to be a writer / artist for comics. But, say you want to reach out to Tapas to have them take a look at your novel and see if they're interested in doing a comic adaptation, while keeping the novel itself non Premium. Is this not possible? Would you have to apply for Premium first and then wait and see if they opt you in for a comic adaptation?

(I'm still very new and not sure what I'll be doing, I'm just trying to understand all the options available for future use!)

  • created

    Apr '21
  • last reply

    Apr '21
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Most of Tapas premium comics right now are not even made by Tapas, they are bought in China and Korea. If you want your novel to be a comic, it means they will have to search for available full-time artists themselves, while most comic-creators are already artists, they just need assistants.
You can try and reach out, pitching your novel and maybe suggesting something like that, I don't see why not. The worst, they can pick you for premium and say no to adaptation. You can always try to search for an artist for a collaboration too.

I specifically meant the "based on the novel" category at the bottom of the front page, not Premium comics in general!

And I was just wondering how it works to keep in mind if I decide to pitch in the future, I don't have any plans for turning my novel into a webcomic right now. But thank you for the answer!

I think it would be fair to say that first you need to become really popular for that, because all those "based on the novel"comics were first popular novels =) think of it like a movie production. You either make a movie or write a novel so popular that people will want it to become a movie.
I am basically speculating really, but I guess if it would be easy to get an adaptation, everyone would have it already.

Ah yeah, I assumed that was the case as well. Time to get popular, so I'll at least have the option, then! :muscle:

(Please, someone tell me how to do that.)

Hi there! I'm a premium author with 2 comic adaptions so far and a few novels. As far as I understand for those who are not yet premium authors, you're best bet is to pitch the novel for the premium program. They really want novels that can be converted into comics, so if you are able to join the premium program and gain popularity with the novel, a comic is then possible! (not guaranteed, but possible, as comics are infinitely more complicated as a whole)

I do believe there is a section where you can submit ideas for comic projects only, but I'm not sure whether that is easier or not. If you already have a finished novel, then pitching your idea is a great way to start! You don't to have any established popularity to pitch your story, as some newer novels that get released have never been posted anywhere else before.

I hope that helps!

Actually, some novels that get released have never been posted anywhere else before, so established popularity helps, but isn't wholly necessary. Tapas is still looking for lots of new novels that would be a good fit for their audience. So pitching your novel (if you have one completed, or mostly finished, or even just started as an idea) is a great place to start!

As for comic projects, I'm not sure how those work without a novel first, but I do believe you can pitch your ideas for a comic without a novel. In that case, without an established fan base it might be a bit harder to get a contract. However, there's never any harm in applying! You never know how amazing your idea will sound until you try it!

Oooh thank you for chiming in!
In the case of novel series with multiple arcs / books, would it be ok to pitch once one of that is done? I know Tapas mentions an 80k word minimum to pitch, but do they prefer to have, at least, a part finished?

I don't think they would find me a great fit, as I'm writing a gothic fantasy and all I see on the front page is either light hearted slice of life / romance or shounen like action fantasy. I would honestly like to see a bit more variety in their premium titles, since the overall variety of the website is what first lured me to it!

So, you mean it's a series with multiple books, with only the first one or first part completed?
In that case, I do believe it's fine to pitch. I'm not sure if the submission says 80k min to pitch, or to publish. Usually they want the novel to be completed, or mostly complete before pitching.
But I'm not sure how it works it your novel is technically complete, but under 80k words, with more books in the series to come right after it.
You could probably pitch the book as a whole series, or like you said, multiple arcs, with the first part under 80k, but still completed. That way they know it will be over 80k as a whole and at least the first full portion is complete.
(not sure what the final say will be, of course)

If you're saying that you have 80k words done but that's only part of the book and it has plenty of books/arcs to go, I think I'd say the same thing. Pitch it and find out.