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Mar 7

I'm a series person I love watching series... People can call me addicted but I love watching series .... I like sad , AGNST traumatic series the most ... Idk but I love when the series has deep cinematic story line which is full of angst and pain

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I love both tbh. I love most forms of fiction. Comics, novels, book series, movies, tv series etc. I think they all work well for different kinds of stories

I am more of a movie person.

The thing I often struggle with in series is that it is becoming the norm to make each episode movie length. It’s hard to motivate myself to watch 8 movie length episodes in a row.

Im kinda neither? Depends on the situation. If its during work and I have an obnoxiously boring project, then probably TV or sports recordings. I do have my safe movies as well that I watch whenever.

I don't watch TV a lot, but I do have comforting movies/shows that I come back to when I need to relax. Studio Ghibli movies are always great, my favorite is Howl's Moving Castle. :smile:

For shows, I love anything Pokémon related. It's nostalgic too.