19 / 463
Oct 2015

Thanks Keii! n u n
As a reader I don't really mind either way but it's hard to guage what the general consensus is on such a practice. c:
I didn't think of it from a self-promotion point of view. /rubs chin

19 days later

This looks like really great advice, I'll probably come back and reference this a lot but as a creator just starting out this should really help, thank you.

I'd also add that its helpful to have a reference for your characters and maybe a mood board for your series for personal use. I know it should be pretty obvious to have a reference but sometimes people forget (cough me) and a reference makes it easier, especially a full turnaround to draw the characters and also in case someone requests it for fan art. As for the mood board (which is a collage of images or anything else that inspired your comic) its good to look back to, in case you get stuck wondering why you are doing this.

Wow this was super informative and helpful! Thank you so much for posting this thread. As someone who is fairly new to tapastic (been here a couple weeks,) this makes me feel a lot better about some things and definitely will help me in the future!

15 days later

Oh wow! So many things that are so useful and detailed. I'm going to use these as reference for my future interactions in the website. Thank you very much for sharing. smile

I've actually started to illustrate these as a comic. Slowly, but surely.

3 months later

pinned Feb 5, '16

I've had an account here for a while but only just started using it and updating my comic here a month or so ago.
(I didn't even realise there were forums... blush )
This is very helpful! Thank you for sharing!

2 months later

This is really really helpful. Plus motivation right there after reading this. Thank you very much!!!

This is very helpful. I just joined not to long ago and I really want to do my best to make my comic series successful and to cater to all of my subscribers. smile

9 days later

I am newish to tapastic. That is, I've been subscribing and enjoying several comics and have been wondering if I could start my own. That being said, I don't know much about how things work here and all this info is awesome, but I still don't understand and could use some help.... I really like it here and I think I should probably develop my art further as I am going to college for graphic design. HELP?

@Souris , simply, just get started on creating something. Once you start, you can find new ways to get better at art.

One way to get better is developing your skill in the basics; that being anatomy, perspective, composition, and color theory.

Anatomy - look up references of people. Learn body-length relationships like the length of the arm compared to the leg and the body, etc. - The more tricks you have, the easier it is to draw. Keep practicing, no matter how long you draw.

Perspective - Learn about vanishing points, bird's eye view, worm's eye view, basic object composition, etc. Start drawing from real life objects and environments.

Composition - breaking down objects into simple shapes and understanding placement in panels to provide flow.

Color theory - experiment how some colors mix well with other colors.

What you should take from this is just start making stuff. The more you create, the better you will get. You can't see where you're going if you don't get started. For more on style and improvement:

Ahhh I was actually pondering the whole "Posting 20 pages at once" thing earlier today, since I was considering a bimonthly approach but wondered if that would make things difficult for new readers. Such a good point, and totally helped me make up my mind on that matter. This is a great list, thanks for making it!

I started posting a web comic like 2 weeks ago. It's called Hello Void70. I've always wanted to create my own manga/webcomic, and am excited to start it now!
Anyways, I wanted hear some advice from veteran senpais out there. Any tips for a newb here?

Hi @josef_yi! Welcome to Tapastic! : ) We're a friendly bunch, so I'm sure you'll like it here.

Advice for new people:

Be active. You wanna make friends in the community and maybe net yourself some new readers? Be active in the community! Hang out on the forums, talk to people, participate in community events, etc. If you've got a Twitter-account, I really recommend participating in the weekly webcomic-hashtags - #ComicBookHour and #webcomicchat specifically. They've super-popular, and webcomics-twitter is a nice place to hang out!

Update frequently/regularly. Try to update as often as you can, and as regularly as you can. If you promise your readers to update on Mondays, do your very best to always update on Mondays (barring unforseen circumstances, like illness or an unexpected crisis). Humans are creatures of habit - we like things to fall into regular patterns!

Be patient. Webcomics is a long game - nothing happens overnight, and building up your readership and finding your place in the community takes time, patience and hard work. Keep on drawing, keep on posting, and keep your chin up, and you should be fine.

Thank you so much for your advice!! I will definitely stay active smile