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Sep 2022

I did a lot of reformatting work for my novel Galactiquest this week, and I wanted to celebrate. A lot of it was typography-related, which I don't have too much experience with, but I'm happy with the results.

First, I made a new logo and used it + some assets from my cover to put together a banner.

Then over this weekend, I gave the cover for each section of the novel a title and cropped/resized them all to 2:3 aspect ratio. I should've done this a long time ago, especially on Wattpad where I have each section posted as its own story. Wattpad only shows covers in its search engine, so my stories were all just floating around there title-less. What a horrible fate!

I also edited some of the art.

Finally, just a few hours ago, I changed some of the thumbnails of the episodes whose covers I changed. Some of them are still different from the covers they go with because I thought they looked better how they were.

I'm still not done yet. I need to add more illustrations to the first episode to introduce each character and maybe change the one I already have. Anyway, I wanted to celebrate what I got done so far.

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    Sep '22
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    Dec '22
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8 days later

@CarltonIsaac Thank you very much! I meant to say that way earlier, but the comments here have a minimum character count, and I wasn't sure how much to say in order for it to go through.

Like I said in my last post, my next goal is to add more images to the first episode. The thread time limit might run out before I'm done with that, and I don't feel like making a new one, so let's turn this into a progress thread.

Here's my first image for Chapter 1. It was drawn in 2018 before I really got down how I wanted these dress uniforms to be designed. Originally, I drew it with 6 buttons, but now there's only 3, so I just changed it. I'm a little attached to this picture since it's the first ~official~ Galactiquest image, but I'm wondering if it should stay at all. I'm worried it'll clash with the new art I'll end up adding.

Speaking of the new art, I'm sketching out some ideas for Emil's introductory illustration. I think I'm gonna go with the bottom sketch and add a little background. Maybe some sparkles too. He's the type of guy who would have a sparkling presence. Though I am kind of partial to the top left sketch too...

All four new pictures for Chapter 1 are complete! :tada: I had to combine the first two in one image because having both separate broke up the text too much. RIP image quality, but it's for the best.

Chapter 1 has been updated to include all of these if you wanna see them there.

All of Chapter 2's art is finished, just in time for Mia's birthday! Happy birthday, Mia! This is probably not a moment she wants to remember. Also, it turns out that I liked that sketch enough to use it after all!

Almost forgot, but Chapter 2 is now updated to include these pics.

Here's a sketch of the first illustration for Chapter 3.

These next few doodles will probably mean nothing to anyone but me, but I wanted to draw the layout of the room pictured above just in case I had to draw more of it. I didn't, but oh well. This is the generator room. There's a generator in the center and clear pipes full of glowing plasma and magnets running along the left and right walls. They lead to a few pipes in the floor that connect to the generator, recycling the plasma and magnets.

The first doodle is a top-down image of where the pipes connect. The second is a doodle of the actual generator just in case I ever have to draw it.

The next doodle is for the second illustration of Chapter 3. It takes place in the gym, so I made a layout, but spoiler alert, I didn't need to use much of it for reference. I already finished that illustration; I'm just waiting until I finish both to post it.

W+M - Weights and exercise mats.
BP - Bench Press
SM - Shoulder Machine
TM -Treadmills
In the final picture, I ended up adding things like an exercise ball and some of those ball weights just to flesh the room out some more.

Your linework is getting much cleaner too! The progress has been very noticeable.

Thank you! The program I've been using recently has a line stabilizer unlike my old copy of Photoshop CS5.

I finally sketched out the first illustration for Chapter 4! This is a really fun one that I've been wanting to do for a while. Technically, the last two characters are in this shot, but shhhhh, they haven't been properly introduced yet!

12 days later
10 days later

Okay, so leaving this alone and moving on to writing new chapters was the plan, but exciting new circumstances compel me to complete at least one new illustration for the other 3 chapters. I won't get into those until things become more concrete, but here's some sketches for the new pictures.

Chapter 5

^Not looking forward to these stairs.

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

I finished four of those sketches I posted. I think I'm not going to do the other two because those are for Chapter 5, which is really short. If I did those, the chapter would be more pictures than text. I have many more ideas of scenes I could illustrate for this story, but if I did them all, this would be a webcomic or maybe an animation. So I think I'm gonna call it here.

Thanks to everyone who took a look at this thread! I may post more if I decide to add pictures to another episode, but the first 8 chapters are done.

Not an art update, but I have gone back through the first 8 chapters and cleaned up typos here, made changes to dialogue there, and I think the result might be the final version of Bon Voyage, Celestion-5. There's still some things that I could tweak, but I think I've gotten these chapters to a point where I'm very comfortable with how they lead into the rest of the story.

Normally, I don't worry too much about finalizing episodes, but there's something big on the way, and I wanted to make sure the first episode was right in time for that. If all goes well, I'll probably make another thread to yell about what that is.

1 month later

closed Dec 19, '22

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