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Oct 2023

So I'm doing an October art prompts challenge.

This one:


From the 21-25 I figured I might as well do some art trades to fill up those spots. Dunno what kind of art I'll do, could be full color pieces, could be sketches. It depends on how much time I have which is why I'm looking for people to do art trades with ahead of time. If for some reason I can't do it on the day I'm supposed to, you'll still get your art!

So yeah, I'm looking for four or five people to do some trades with. Will pick whichever OC's I think would be the most fun to work with. No mecha or anthro, sorry! I'm just not good at those and don't like giving people bad art. If you want samples of my work, just ask. Will post character refs later, but I promise they're very easy to draw (the story's in a modern setting, so think regular street clothes.

  • created

    Oct '23
  • last reply

    Oct '23
  • 29


  • 1.5k


  • 1


  • 33


  • 8


I do love an art trade! Let me know if you have a preference for a character and what they're doing(unless you want me to follow the prompts??)

I’d love to do an art trade! I can provide some examples of my art if you’re interested

I could potentially but I'm not an exceptional artist. My art is decent by default but if I get a template and modify it I can make some better art. Thus far these are depictions of my character Macai:

And the less remarkable one...

There are some of him with other companions as well.

You can do whatever you want, no need to do prompts! I really don't mind whichever character you choose or what style, I just like seeing other people's interpretations.

@ButterflyEmpress Your art's very pretty! I'll post some characters refs and you can do whichever you want.

@midnightsun Thank you, but you just need to post your character refs so I can see what you want me to draw!

Alright, so I'll put up some refs now that I have some time. I'd love to see what characters you'd all want me to draw!

What a fun idea! I'd love to participate if possible :slight_smile:

I did some quick sketches of the MC, Conri, from my webnovel, NULLED if that's acceptable :grinning:

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Character refs:

They're besties. Oliver's usually in basic ass clothes--plain shirts, hoodies, etc. Alyssa's trendier, both are modern day teenagers. Oliver's left eye is violet/purple without his glasses on if you wanna do that. (Included some Halloween pics because they're the only ones I bothered to color so far, lol. ETA: Alyssa's eyes are hazel, I was just working with a palette when I dew her as a witch.)


He's Oliver's uncle. Mostly uses plain, functional clothes. Think young guy in old man clothes.


Big guy, dresses all in black because of reasons. Minimalist goth vibe with perpetual resting bitch-face.


Literally just do whatever you want with them. Sketchy headshots, fantasy AU stuff, Halloween themed stuff, anything goes. Draw whoever you want! If I get four drawings of the same character I don't mind, lol.

Ooh I love these character designs I’m excited to draw one of them. Here’s the character ref for my OC if you want to draw him!

I can do a simple sketch. It may look like this:

Character Ref below:


Kelly is a witching technician who jumps between universes. Can change outfit to fit whatever universe, scribbles on arm for notes, and keep prehensile tail.

I don't have full refs of my OCs yet, but here's a small compilation of them you can choose from
Top L to R: Akina, Mariposa, Anomaly
Bottom L to R: Prisma Heart, Strawberra, Cerise

i love drawing besties <3 they give me the "chaotic friend vs mom friend" vibe, hope you like it!

They look great! And yes, you got their vibe right, lol, I love it! Will have your art done on Saturday, I already did a rough sketch for it.

I just had to draw him. goth guys are my specialty

it's been a minute since I drew anything other than panels for my comic so I hope I captured his vibe alright!

That looks so good, thank you! You definitely got his vibe down! I'll sketch out yours and you should get it on Sunday or Monday.

Okay, well I thought I'd replied to you, but I love your style. I'd be happy to do a trade with you if you're still interested!