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Apr 2021

EDIT: I've accepted an offer to collab. I'm not sure how to close/hold or remove a post. I appreciate everyone who messaged me for this!


I'm interested in collaborating with a writer for a very short CASUAL BL webcomic (up to 5 chapters long, several panels each chapter) for the purpose of practicing and getting a feel for drawing web comics before actually delving in deep and having regrets/abandoning later lol.

I don't draw often and I have a full time day job, so I doubt I'll be able to keep up with a long series without experience initially anyway, which is why I prefer a shorter one that I can complete or at least finish 3/4 of prior to publishing.

  • ABOUT PROFIT: I'm not sure if it's possible to make money out of this super short comic, I'm not in it for monetary purposes, but if I do get something out of it, it'll be 50/50.

  • LENGTH: 5 Chapters or less (~20 panels per chapter but flexible)

  • PLOT THEME: Something lighthearted, cute, a little funny, or with an interesting concept would be perfect! A mild or short censored R18 scene is OK but not preferred/necessary.

  • SETTING PREFERENCE: Modern, Historical (Asian/Polynesian/Middle eastern), modern fantasy or historical fantasy are ok, some animal characteristics are also ok. Open to other suggestions as well

  • DRAWING ABILITY: I mainly draw men, and am not good at drawing kids, women are ok-ish.
    For backgrounds, I will most likely use CSP assets or google sketchup if needed, preferably no background-heavy panels. Panels will most likely be colored with flats only (unshaded)

* Additional Note: I'd appreciate being able to exchange ideas for the plot or for redrawing panels on my part as well.

Apologies if this it too naggy or long, I just wanted to include as much info as I can for things I can/cant realistically do , or stories that will keep me interested for sure. And thanks for reading until this point!

  • created

    Apr '21
  • last reply

    May '21
  • 3


  • 382


  • 3


  • 1


Hello, I'm a fairly fresh writer here in tapas, I mainly write BL. I have some ideas for a plot based on what you've just put in here, and I'm happy to help just for experience. If you are interested in working with me just pm me on here, and we can work something out!

Hello! I'm an established Tapas writer, and I'd love to work with you! I have a collection of shorts, but I'd be happy to come up with something new as a collab so it would be something you would enjoy working on! I'm typically a modern/fantasy writer.
Here's the collection of shorts as an example of what I typically write (or in case there's one that catches your eye!): https://tapas.io/series/Bits-of-BL7

1 month later

closed May 13, '21

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