13 / 31
Jul 2021
  • Night mode. My eyes burn.
  • A muteable section space for artists to advertise our rates for commissions, because it's pretty bull-twollop that people are allowed to solicit us to work for free, or for below minimum wage, but we can't advertise what we actually charge for our time. (I said twollop, that's civil. :sweat_02:)
  • A block button. I don't tend to block people, but we get so many irritating spammers, it'd be nice to hit a button and 'poof', they don't exist in my forum reality anymore.

I also want a dark mode :pensive:

Y'all wanna see what that'd look like for us? I've been looking around at this other site for digital amps and guess what? They have their own forums for support, and it's sorta like this place but dark mode. Just.. There's not a lot of people there lol they also have working tags for topics, but considering the amount of users there, it kinda seems like a waste to me- anyways, here, have a look

Moderator in me asks for unpinnable important topics in their own subcategory :information_desk_person: Would be nice if people couldn't go further without finding a key in them

Just curious I've used the block feature on tapas.io but haven't needed such for the forums.
Does muting feature not achieve the same granularity you are looking for?

profile -> preferences -> (scroll to bottom) -> Categories / Users Muted

Maybe a thread for tutorials & general knowledge drops (not one for discussion)?

I know there're many resources elsewhere, but would be cool to see a collection of guides or notes the creators here have made, as they closely relate to the comics/novels on Tapas. Like their workflow, how they typically draw faces, tips, timelapse, explaining certain terminologies etc.

Many are already doing these guides elsewhere, so this can just be a thread to collate all their external links, posts or topics.
The obvious downsides would be:
1. someone will have to manage this to avoid spam/abuse
2. it could turn into one of those URL graveyards in Promotions
3. quality control

Forum sections so promotions and legit questions aren't fighting for space, blocking users, dark mode, yeah, all things this forum's API limits them from doing, iirc :cry_swag: At least I can fix the last one with Dark Reader.

I also want a category dedicated to only world-building.

i have absolutely put to use the mute feature on the forums but all that does is limit notifications if the person you've muted replies to a topic or posts one themselves, though there's still instances of posts slipping through the cracks

ideally, for me at least, a mute or block feature would mean not having to see replies from the muted/blocked individual at all but i kinda doubt the code this forum runs on would allow for that. something a la the twitter mute feature would be nice because there's an option to still view it but like it's more a far off dream for here

also sorry for the doubly post but i think it'd be cool to see a thread that's sort of like the newbies guide to tapas and the forums because i'm 100% certain this kind of thread not only existed but was pinned on the forums in the past but in all the revamping was lost so like...a new one is in order with up to date info especially to help cover some of the repeat questions we get here

links to Tapas made resources would also be nice because it can be impossibly hard to track down some of the newsfeed posts or medium articles at times so having them listed and linked all in one place would be awesome (i personally wanted to find the promo assets and totally lost track of that)

-Dark mode is definitely on top of my list too. I'm using Dark Reader as of now (for both the forum and the main website), but I'd love an official dark mode.
-Log in button on mobile that actually lets me log in instead of randomly opening the Tapas app and nothing else :sob:
-Renaming the "Art | Comics" and "Writing | Novels" into something like "Art Talk" and "Writing Talk", since a lot of the threads in those sections aren't stricly comics and/or novels related but more art and writing related? °°
-A "forum games" section. Here we could move RPs and other types of forum games that are currently in the Off Topic section. Dunno, most forums where I've been usually had the "forum games" section as a separate category, so I thought it'd be nice to have it here too :smiley:

And now, for the "probably will never happen but one still likes to dream" suggestion...

...Changes to the "Collaborations" category! Namely:
-A marketplace of sorts for artists. This could only be accessed by users who've been on the forums for quite some time. Each artist could have their own thread in which they post their rates and samples of their work (only one thread per artist allowed). A pinned post on top of the category could include artist names listed in alphabetical order with links to their threads.
-A "member feedback" section, in which people who commissioned an artwork can review the service they received (was it fast? did the artist respect deadlines? were prices fair? if physical items were sent, was the shipping good?) and where artist can leave a review of their customer too (was the payment prompt? were the requests clear? and so on). In this way, both artists and potential customers would be able to build a "reputation" based on their previous interactions with other members of the community (if anyone is familiar with the Den Of Angel forums... yes, this is pretty much where I got the whole "member feedback" idea from :sweat_smile:).
-A "searching for writer/artist" section. This would be for people who have a very specific request that does not involve a single illustration or art piece and would be more aimed at stuff like webcomic creation and such. Again, users would need to interact on the forum for a while before being able to post in the section... and maybe they could have an actual form to fill with info (again, using Den Of Angels as an example... rather than letting people in the marketplace write their own post, they have a whole form you have to fill with info about the thing you're selling and/or the thing you're looking for).
-A "webcomic collab/art trade" section. This would be strictly for writers/webcomic artists, 100% free and would basically be the place for stuff like Valentine's Day/Pride Month/Halloween collabs, stuff like "I'll draw your character" or even "give me characters to use as extras".

A damn block button, I'm not here to mute I want their entire existence gone. XD

Extra information underneath where your avatar is, so you can see how many posts they have on the forum, maybe a place to link to their profile on the main Tapas site. Just to make it a little bit more interactive and fun to post here.

you can see all your activity by clicking your profile picture but as for topics by other folks it's just the last active date and a list of any topics made (save for hidden ones i think)

as for profile summaries and links you can edit that in your preferences section so this is what my profile looks like

and then if i were to go to yours it'd look like this (which is roughly the same for anyone viewing the profile of someone other thn themselves

i think this is why i think it'd be handy to have a little guidebook type thread explaining some of the basic features on the forums especially w regards to editing profile info and other stuff

Yeah I know, but people are less likely to click on the whole profile. I think it would be more fun/easier to see a few small things right next to every forum post.

I'll just add one thing: auto-lock for topics that haven't been replied to in, say, a year. Or two.

We constantly have threads bumped that are from 2016 or 2017. People see those problems that were solved half a decade ago, questions from someone who hasn't been on the forums in +3 years, long-dead collabs, one of the 66666 threads on the same exact topics... and for some reason still decide to necrobump them.

I disagree, I think it'd just make the forum feel cluttered to have that info displayed all the time. Really if someone cares to know these there's nothing stopping them from clicking on the profile.

16 days later

Forum games - they're more productive with community building and i think your questions would have a place there while off topic is more like "the water cooler"
Signatures so people dont have to go to your profile or spam their comic

and god please a night mode

I think having a live chat box for who is currently online and a live voice area for those online with mics. I know there's discord, but it's limited to only the groups you're in or those who have a link.

i wish we could have the option to delete our profiles in the forum. A friend of mine had deleted their tapas account but found out they can't delete their forum account - even though, they're kinda like the same, i think.

also an option to hide or block posts and better organizations of threads based on the main topic. like we could have a recent section for every thread getting update but also have the topics (like novels, comics, tech support) beside it so people can navigate where they want to go.