9 / 13
Sep 2022

Obviously I have a comic, not a novel, but this is a writing topic, so--

Who here works with beta readers? I have a friend or two giving me script feedback, and it's been very valuable. But I've been thinking about recruiting an internet stranger to do the same, since they wouldn't be tempted to spare my feelings if they hated something. BUT I'm also a big chicken about showing people my writing without visuals attached, since I don't think it's that strong on its own.

What about you? What's your experience with beta readers, if you use them? Friends, strangers? Good feedback or nah?

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    Sep '22
  • last reply

    Oct '22
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I was once a beta reader of a novel, it lasted a few months. But the author never said if my reviews made a difference haha

Aw, that's too bad :confused: . What kid of feedback did you provide, just general impressions? Or like line edits?

I've seriously considered working with a beta reader for my comic – there's a lot of subplots and things connecting together so getting feedback is something that helps me a lot to make sure everything's working and on track. Right now, I mainly send my stuff to friends for feedback, but I would really like to work with a beta reader.

I've worked and am still working as a beta reader for comics and novels. For comic, it always helps me a lot to talk to the creator about specific lines, tell them what I imagined the characters to look like while reading the script, maybe going over the visuals for important scenes. Most of the creators were strangers to me, that just made it easier to offer my ideas but I'm still careful with hurting their feeling because, as a writer myself, I don't want them to get discouraged if I'm really unhappy with something. But usually we work through everything as detailed as they want and I give my honest opinion, just carefully :smile_cat:

I got quite good feedback from the people I did beta read for, saying that I helped them improve in general or push their own ideas forward. I think it helps having a stranger as beta reader because your friends might think in similar ways as you do and a stranger can offer completely different perspectives.

Yeah general impressions. Usually I just did a review talking about the points I liked.... I don't remember doing criticism because I was enjoying how the story was being developed, I thought it was very cohesive.

22 days later

Me and my beta reader has been going strong for 2 years straight now. She has been essential in my development not only as writer but as a person as well. I'd say we've developed a cool relationship over the years and got to know a little bit about each other that wasn't connected to the story but life as a whole. If the beta affects you than it should and will change your perception as a writer and creator most of the times.

The feed back is good especially in writing circles like this, since strangers will generally not cushion criticism. Though don't discount your friends they can be very helpful as well when trying to get feed back on your work. Just do what you feel is most effective for you.:thumbsup:

1 month later

closed Oct 29, '22

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