10 / 10
Apr 2023

I decided to work on a 4th comic (shame on me... but I do have way too many ideas xD), this one just as a outside of my regular schedule weekend, whenever I feel like drawing it kind of thing. Very self-indulgent, I'm making it for myself and if anyone else enjoys it by accident, then cool xD And so I decided I don't really care about coloured comics doing better on webcomics platforms for this one and I'm going to try playing around with black and white comic. I'm still generally at sketching phase but I decided to finish up one page as a test. And I wonder, is it readable? Or does it blend into one big grey blob? (While it is a self-indulgent, mostly for me project, I still want it to look good xD) So, yeah, I need some additional pair of eyes and opinion if this looks good so far...

  • created

    Apr '23
  • last reply

    Apr '23
  • 9


  • 723


  • 6


  • 19


I'd say it look good. I'd say less shine on the hair maybe. Or you could leave it as is, I can see it as a style thing.

I also have the desire for black and white, It could cutdown on the time it takes to make pages. I've been trying to make B&W versions of some pages to see what I can do.

Thanks ^^
I like the shiny hair xD so I'm gonna stay with it
And yeah it can cut on time, especially, since I noticed it's easier to force yourself to really limit your palette and minimise the shading into the most important areas (also less checking what was which colour)

Hmmm, I guess it does lack some contrast. I am not sure if it's the lack of outline on characters or it needs more white, maybe both. It is completely readable btw, but I suppose a bit stronger outline (without stronger inner lines) will make it pop more :slight_smile:

I can see that... Will give it a try in the morning, thanks ^^

Yup, it's readable. :grinning:

It is a bit "blobish" as a small thumbnail, but I can not read very tiny text so that matters so much less. If you want more contrast, you MIGHT try changing the colors between the character/focus and background to pop out more. This may be:

  • Omitting or simple backgrounds. Ex. For the right panel, the background gray is similar to the person's hair. Gray pops out more on white, than gray near a similar gray.

  • Outlining the character/focus, like Kelheor suggested. You might try leaving the background around the character white for stronger contrast, or thicker black lines around the character

  • Varying the "colors" for the characters for more contrast--- this can be the flat color, shadow or lighting. The colors are bit close together, so when the picture is QUITE SMALL-- yup it look like more like grey blob than a blurry flurry of darks, lights and in-betweens where you can see some shapes however vaguely.

It's definitely readable, but not ideal. I think the super tight framing maybe a part of the issue.

So for me as a person who does greyscale it looks great. I mean some people said it lacks contrast but I wouldn't necessary say that. I work with lots of contrast, but I can appreciate comics which are not done in high contrast. Maybe only the stroke around the bubbles filled with black to make thicker so it jumps out more, but other than that, good job :smiley:

Good morning, everyone, and thanks for your feedback ^^
Did some testing before I'll have to pack myself up (vising parents for Easter) and I think I'm happy with the results

oooo looks great. Amazing how minor changes to the line make a huge difference