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Jul 2021

There isn't really a brush that I know of, but in Clip Studio the easiest way to do lines like that is to get your Parallel Ruler option out. Line it up with the direction you want your motion lines to go in, and then go to town with a bazillion little hatch marks. With the Parallel Ruler on, they'll all go in the same direction.

You can do the same trick with the Perspective Ruler if you want your speed lines to all go to a single point instead of run parallel, and with a Curve Ruler or Concentric Circle Ruler if you want it to be a round sweeping line of action.

the mapping pen is probably good to use for it. Do you have a tablet or are you using a mouse?

I wish I could tell you a shortcut, but, I uh.... actually just draw mine in manually. :sweat_02: They come up a lot in an Action comic, so there's plenty of opportunity to practice. After a while, it gets easier.

You can see my process on a page with movement lines here:

Yeah there's assets like that such as: