46 / 89
May 2024

Just 3?!?:relieved::nail_care:🏽 (jk)
1) I love how much I play with established concepts. I parody tropes in coming of age stories. The popular girl, the babysitter, etc. it’s fun to flip tropes on there heads in the most chaotic way I can think of.
2) The historical fiction I get into, the concept of how remembering historical tragedies can affect the mental health of an immortal, especially as a POC.
3) The character dynamics! I LOVE found family (I love GOTG) so getting to write a team of my own of people that hate each other but are forced to work together has been so much fun!

Y’all should read it!

  1. Character design is great I think in the comics. Hold the phone is a jewel in my opinion. Constantly getting comments about him.

  2. The world. Although we have barely scratched the surface yet I have a huge world ahead and I’m very happy with it.

  3. The pacing. For working a regular job and drawing my comic while still balancing the rest of life I’ve been able to keep the story moving a long every week. I’m sure you all know how much of a struggle it can be to balance everything and still try and keep your comic a quality comic. So I’m proud I’m doing it even if at the moment I do have a bad sleep schedule :grimacing:

take care of your health honey

Right now, I'm using the novel to take a break from reality, so here are some of the fictional things that I am able to do to these fictional characters that I definitely am not and cannot do to anyone I know in real life: ( which are my 3 favourite things about my story )
Story in question: https://tapas.io/series/Boy-of-my-Dreams---Rewritten/info

1) I get to dress up a boy in girl clothes.
I know, I know, that is pretty dumb, but hey Firstly I don't have money to buy gowns. Even if a
random boy as cute as my character's description walked up to me and said "Hey, I'd let you dress me
up for free" I don't have any gowns to just randomly stuff him into~! This is my secret joyyy~ and You can tell
if you read the story cause I love to describe the clothes on Ryan especially in detaillll.

2) Setting! I didn't go to college! Yay! I am living out my fantasy as I toil way at my
cute little life-sucking retail job hahahahahaha

3) My side characters. I don't know what most writers do, but as a person with only one friend
and that is their partner, I imagine a world where everyone is super supportive and no one
aside from family would kick a person to the curb. So, I like writing cute side characters
that are always cheering on from the side lines~

Yes! So. I like these 3 things about my story heehee~! This just applies to Boy of My Dreams.
My other stories are going to be quite different as I have other delusions I wish to explore
during my after hours.

Thanks for making this thread~! It was nice to gush about my work for a teeny bit.

I like doing this with my stories too. I've not had many friends my whole life outside of my siblings so writing was a way of swimming in my ideals a bit lol. I have a friend now who's great tho and is making her way into my story.

Supportive encouraging people do exist! it takes a while to find them but their out there! I'm one of them lol, never stop trying to make friends, it can be a pain, but you'll find your people.

Heck, I've never even been to school, legit. so I feel this 100%. it's so hard anytime I write stories set in school because the only point of reference I have for it is Google and what I read in other stories

Oooh, this is a tough one.

  1. That there isn't really one main character but it follows several ones. I'm writing it a bit like a group of adventurers (even though they're not yet all together).
  2. There are several story lines but they're all interconnected. There are some small details that may seem insignificant now but will make sense later. Events from the past linked to the events in the present.
  3. The world. I get to put together different fantasy elements based on local and foreign myths, and then draw it all. I did a lot of research on architecture as well, so different places are inspired by different eras and countries.

ahhh, gothic fiction. we gotta love it

22 days later
  1. It uses documents, newspaper articles, diaries, journals, and the likes to tell the story!
  2. It's something of an are-they-or-are-they-not dynamic between the two main characters. I'd like to keep their relationship vague.
  3. Enemies to friends(...?) trope :wink:



Twelve years ago, Azure Skylar, the Knight of the Cross of the unparalleled syndicate, the Chapel, was favored by the Pope himself to work on a mission that would determine the fate of their entire group against their growing rival, the Empire.

Twelve years ago, Azure met Caramella Red Aberdeign and found a friend in her. For once, he knew rest, quiet, peace, and comfort. Little did he know that Caramella Red was also the infamous Sweet Crimson, the ace assassin of their growing rival, the Empire.

A mistake, a wrong decision, a missed opportunity, all wrapped in the same regret that led to the ink on paper weeping about all that should have been said and done before time came and went. A story inspired by Taylor Swift's Evermore, Letter Addressed to the Fire will take you to a trip down the star-crossed soulmates' memory lane and tell you about all that was only whispered in the wind twelve years ago.

Ahhh, but we need at least one kiss if they're actually a couple or the audience will die!

wait seriously?

29 days later

I really have to do three more things, sorry.

  1. The dynamic between Dominic and his sisters.

Dominic and his sisters share a really close bond. This partly stems from the colorism they grew up with in their family that led them to be more protective, loving and encouraging to each other. Now that they are adults, they are each other's biggest fans and best friends always cheering on, helping and just generally enjoying being around each other. It's so sweet and wholesome and that's why I love them.

Ayla. She's my youngest character in my novels so far and she's just so cute. I love getting to write the way that children talk and view the world, and using her as a character mirror for other people in the story like the male lead. The way she sees my FL Essence without the same sort of prejudice so many of the adults have drastically changes the course of the story, and it just wouldn't be the same without her.

  1. My FL, Essence Walker. She is really so different from any character I've written. Though it's been tricky, it pushed me as a writer. Her mindset and personality, her design in general, are some of the most unique things I've crafted so far, and one of my proudest designs.
22 days later

right now, it's probably

  1. my character designs

they're really colorful, fun, and quirky.

  1. the plot

it's just silly, and I'm a goofball

3, it's the way the whole series is designed to help me improve my art as I make it. It's a weird concept but i love it lol

the goal is to debut this series this year

  1. The characters and their voices- Elio is a point A to B,one track minded, and is considered a teacher's pet or a "gifted" kid and has been since he was little.
    Max is a little more chill and sorta goes with the flow unless there is something that bothers him. He is smart as well but in a more street smart way and somewhat book smart way if it's something he is interested in.
  2. Elio and Max's conversations because they are that couple talking about dissection and other things related to what they are studying when they get to college in public/while they are eating even if it's gross unapologetically . And they were friends since they were 5 so they know lots of things about each other.
  3. The setting-New York City-Brooklyn because I never lived in a city so it was fun researching and watching videos/listening to music. And I visited New York during Thanksgiving several years ago and it was very interesting to me how many things you could do and find if you looked hard enough.

Greetings from the stars!

  1. The Genre - At the start of the idea making process, this story was two separate stories and purely science fiction. This story took almost 12 years of planning and it felt like it was going nowhere. It wasn't until certain elements from another genre came into play that compelled me to change some formats in both ideas. This ultimately led me to change the order of the stories and merge them together. The final product of this outcome became the Science-Fantasy genre.

  2. The Lore - Leading from the genre itself, the history and worldbuilding of the story became something I never though I could write. When the story involves countless worlds, so much history has to be explored whether it be fantastic or terrible.

  3. The Characters - The number one spot for favoritism goes to the characters of the story. I aimed to make the story as diverse as possible. I have 16 characters with POV's in my story and I wanted each of them to shine and stand out in their own way. This wasn't an easy feat as I had to consider who's who and what's what. Which characters are heroes and villains? What ethnicity are they inspired from? Who ends up falling for who? Who has a disability? Who makes it to the end?

Difficult task lol! I'll list my two fav things:

I've always been a big fan of slow-burn and I believe I do a good job writing this type of romantic development! I have a hard time finding works that make it seem natural and don't rush the relationship too much, so I do my best to achieve a result like what I like to consume.

Another thing I really like about this specific work is the dynamics between the protagonists, who are my main couple. I love the opposites attract trope, especially when we have a character who is associated with unnatural purity with an outside admiration so deep that he is compared to a messiah, and a character who is associated with the opposite; to ruin, destruction and violence, and these two characters form a type of super competent duo as they complement each other. I love how two such different natures can culminate in mutual admiration and almost blind trust.

My Three favorite? Okay Let's see

  1. Definitely My characters

  2. The mafia boss

  3. Marriage Plot

Milo, a cheerful yet impoverished college student, navigated his days with a smile despite his financial struggles. However, his life took a dark turn when he witnessed a cold-blooded murder by a menacing tall man. The murderer noticed him, and from that moment on, Milo felt the man's eyes on him everywhere.

One evening, Milo found his parents at the mercy of the same tall man. To save their lives, his parents shockingly offered Milo's marriage to the murderer. "Please, take our son instead," his mother pleaded. "He'll marry you. He'll do anything you want. Just spare our lives."

Milo felt his world tilt as the words sank in. "Marry this man?" His mind reeled at the thought, but he saw the steely resolve in the man's eyes, the gun still aimed at his parents.

The tall man considered their proposal, his eyes never leaving Milo. After a long, tense moment, he lowered his weapon. "Very well," he said. "Your son will come with me."

Milo's life changed in an instant. The cheerful college boy who once worried about exams and part-time jobs was now bound to a man whose presence alone instilled fear.