16 / 54
Sep 2023

Felix definitely shall have a place. He actually looks just like a character in my other story, Wild Nights, Hot & Crazy Days. The similarities are uncanny, right down to the round glasses and hair colour. My character is named Darryl, and he is based on a real person:

Wellington as an older man will work too because Cracking Eggs also takes place in modern times (mid- 2010s; pre- pandemic)

He’s so freaking tall! 🤣

How about Zack from my series Trespasser. A more aged up version because you prefer adult characters.
(Also, you can obviously forego the mechanical arm if it doesn't fit the setting.)

If you want, you can use any of my boys ^^

Denmar. I don't have a full picture of him but he wears confy pants and almost always a tanktop. It's an older drawing, but those are goggles he is wearing.

If you like to draw lots of Details: Osmium

Older version of Xenon

Vallon. He is wearing his doctor uniform but you can give him any clothes you see fit.

Progress so far. I'm drawing this during a hurricane (or what's left of one - I guess I should be calling it "Post tropical storm Lee") and during a power outage, with a very nervous dog keeping me company. I don't have them all done yet but I'm getting there, slowly but surely. As I get each character roughed in I'm also roughing in the colours.

This sounds fun, not sure if you looking for more

As you say Shapeshifters and Wolves, guess Xun fits in and he has pointy ears and can change into water form to take various shapes, He's social and no stranger to big parties/crowds as he's the manager of a Gay lounge and a go go dancer. Wishing you and your dog safety during Post Tropical Storm Lee

CLICK here for more detailed image references

He has snake bite piercings under his lip, and two large ear gauge piercings with Spade and Club icons

Omg this is great! Seeing Felix in your art style I can really see the similarities to Darryl Syllliboy (which btw is an amazing name)

More progress. Did I forget anyone? Speak now or forever hold your peace After supper I am going to rough in the rest of the crowd with generic characters, and then I will start the final colouring.

I'm still working with no power thanks to Lee, but my trusty generator is keeping things sane. Last year after hurricane Fiona I was without power for 14 days and no internet for 10 (the internet worked for the first week but then stopped, and didn't even come back on when the power did). Hopefully this won't be a repeat of that!


Do you have any male characters or non-anthro animal characters I could include? I love your story and I'd love to include them but for reasons explained above I can't do a female or anthropomorphic animal character.

Nice progress! See Xun flexing :muscle: :laughing: Detailed crowds are usually a chore so hats off :smiley: :thumbsup: Trusty generator sounds trusty indeed and keep up the hard work :art: