17 / 33
Mar 2021

Great idea! We could definitely use more grassroots-level promotion over on CANVAS! I'll keep an eye on this.

Here's my comic!

I wholeheartedly agree to your statement! What a great idea~

At the same time, I would like to participate and suggest my series as well :slight_smile:

@alcchron @TadxSarah @migxmeg @MissEljebel @Utamee @Kaydreamer @DrizDew Thank you so much for your submissions, I've added them all to the list. :smiley:

From now on, if I like your comment, it means I've added every comic you linked to, just so you know I've responded. :slight_smile:

@migxmeg Thanks so much for the recommendations (I added miss widow to my personal subs because I love me some 19th century stories) :smiley:
Right now all the comics we added have less than 5000 subs (I think), most comics with 4-digit numbers have between 1K and 2K, many have less than 1K. One comic we picked out only has 15 subs or so. So the comics you suggested are perfect in terms of sub count. :smiley:

Ohh, sweet, I love this idea! It can definitely be a pain to be seen on webtoon canvas! I have a series that I would like to throw into the mix as well.

Great concept and definitely something that I'm interested in supporting (retweets, engagement, etc.) as it gets rolling :slight_smile:

I'll loop back around with some suggestions later, but for now I would like to list my own comic for consideration:

It's in its infancy, but will be a monthly update series~

This is such a great project! Honestly I’ve struggled trying to get my comic noticed by Webtoon/Webtoon Canvas, and gotten so tired of hoping they’ll promote my webcomic and other smaller webcomics, but they always cycle between a few popular ones (their collections always have the popular ones too):disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:

I hope this project can become popular and helps smaller artists, comics and comic creators and more get noticed more!

And here’s my webcomic, I’m too shy to share it but here it goes haha :sweat_smile:

Sounds great! Thank you for your work :pray::pray::blush:

This is a great idea! I don't have anything on Webtoons, but I do know some deserving stories. (Hope I didn't link too many!) Thank you!

This is a great idea to help smaller creators gain more visibility on Canvas. Cross-promotion on Webtoons can work quite well, so the idea of having a dedicated series to do this is quite exciting! :smiley: Thank you for thinking of creating this and helping out everyone :slight_smile:

This is my canvas series, although it is very, very long:

What a great idea! Webtoon sucks for smaller creators. That's very kind of you to start something like this. ^^

I have two active comics:

Sure, here you go :smiley:

why not!

Thank you so much - I've added all the comics to the list now and will share them on our Twitter. :slight_smile:

Title: Forced
Creator: dreamysheep01
Genre: supernatural, drama
Subscribers: 25
NSFW/Mature/Adult Themes: no

Oh yeh, you followed me on twitter one day and I discovered Webtoon stars thanks to your project xD
I was wondering how to apply and if there were too much series already but I'm gonna try I guess

Title: Vesna
Creator: Lebakarau
Genre: Sci-fi Drama (Mystery)
Subscribers: 440 on french webtoon, 63 on english webtoon, 15 on tapas
NSFW/Mature/Adult Themes: Trigger warning themes might appear
Link: all the links are on this carrd https://vesna-webcomic.carrd.co/1

This is fantastic :smiley: I’ll come back and follow your twitter and stuff but I just pulled out my ipad at work so I could link my webtoons (cant access the website on my work computer but tapas is fine apparently lol)

I've added all your comics to the list and am scheduling some tweets to shout out them out on our Twitter (though we're currently doing one webtoon per creator). To everyone who has already posted, if you don't find your webtoon on there in the next, say, 3-4 weeks, please message me! That's 100% my mistake because it's a long list of webtoons and my brain can't always brain properly. (actually more often than not it can't brain)
For those who haven't submitted their webtoons yet and want a shout-out too, feel free to post your webtoons here. :slight_smile: It might take a while until I get to them though because I'm working tomorrow to Monday, I got my first commission to work on and I'm getting my second vaccination for the evil C on Tuesday and will probably be stuck in bed for a while. So uh ... bear with me. :sweat_smile:

What a wonderful idea! Thank you~~~

Title: graham cracker
Creator: gramkrackerhan
Genre: Slice of Life/ Comedy
Subscribers: 82 on webtoons, 92 on tapas
NSFW/Mature/Adult Themes: No