1 / 72
Apr 2020

Probably, everyone was in the situation, when you was disagree with someone and wanted to tell about it, but eventually hesitated and didn't say anything.
It is very understandable and inherent to all us humans in some degree. From one side, art of knowing when to shut up keeps you away from possible troubles. But from another side, when we do it, we lose a little opportunity to be heard and understood, and to give your interlocutor an alternative view on things.
Let's create an atmosphere, where we'll feel free to disagree without bad consequences, at least in one topic! :angel:

The rules:

  1. Find any reply in this topic, with which you disagree. If you agree with all replies so far, wait until appearance of opinion, with which you disagree.
  2. Cite that reply in your reply and explain why do you disagree. Explanation can be short or long - the most important is to just be clear. Of course, it should be done without getting personal.
  3. Write your own opinion (or several opinions) on something and be prepared to accept disagreement without offence. Art- or writing- related opinions are preferable (as more safe and as inherent for thematic of forum). But anything else is fine, too, until it's doesn't insult particular person or group of people.
  4. After someone'll answer to your reply, you can write a new reply by the same pattern, as described above. It can be disagreement with the answer on your previous reply, or something new - doesn't matter.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Agreement is forbidden. :imp: If you agree with someone, you can either show it with like, or tell them about it in another topic or PM! Not here.

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There are 71 replies with an estimated read time of 11 minutes.

I'll start:

  1. Bell Pepper is unappetizing;
  2. Pizza with pineapples is cool;
  3. Cooking is boring.

UPD: I deleted my bad opinion on Peppa Pig by my own discretion, bc I'm not sure if insulting of fictional characters is fine, or one can perceive it as insulting of creator, which I don't want. :thinking:

I disagree with removing the Peppa Pig line. People should be able to dislike characters or shows if they want to.

For example. I passively dislike Pokemon. I don't care what anyone thinks, I think it's boring and for kids.

Breathing is also boring... but somethings you just gotta do, so learn to do them well and efficiently.

I disagree with 2, 3, and 4. Bell pepper is sweet when you mix it with the right ingredients. pineapple should not be on pizza because it ruins the flavor. cooking should not be boring when you spent time with loved ones. i hate dirty dishes.

Notice how you say pineapple pizza is cool, not that it tastes good. Look I won't say pineapple pizza is horrible, it's just not that good in comparison to the other topping combinations.

I don't think cooking is boring, it can be a lot of fun if you give it a shot. I'm biased 'cuz I grew up watching food network and wanting to make stuff for myself. I think it just depends on how you go about it. If you do it with friends and do recipes that don't take that much time, it'll be a lot more fun. And for the bell peppers, you're just not cooking them right :wink:. Yea but by themselves they're pretty gross.

I don't have a lot of unpopular opinions, at least not off the top of my head.

The popularity of TIGER KING is completely due to so many people's desire to feel superior to people they're watching on TV/media device.

See now I don't get why people are so enthralled in Tiger King. Is it because of the animals, I think it's just because of the animals. I haven't seen it but I'm aware of the general story, and it sounds like a poorly scripted reality TV show with little to no likable characters


Disagree here. Breathing is very interesting. My favorite character in the game "Deep Rock Galactic" is not-hostile mob Breather, which can't do anything but breathing. But I enjoy looking at them,

made dozens of their screenshots

and even one fan art.


  • Cats are more cute than dogs.

People are obsessed with Tiger King because they get to snub their noses at people they consider 'rednecks.'

Now for some of my own unpopular opinions, music edition, I'm gonna be mean now. >: D

Iron Maiden is overrated.

Slash is overrated and undeserving of his guitar god status.

Motley CrĂĽe is stupid and at the same level of trash music that Nickelback is.

Billy Eilish is just a pale imitation of 90s grunge bands, but with a computer instead of instruments. Her mumbled vocals bother the heck outta me.

Actually, it's the opposite. The citrus of the pineapple blends with the umami of the tomato sauce creating an entirely new set of flavors together. Much like how pineapple on a ham brings out whole new flavors. Ham is okay on its own, but with pineapple it's a whole new and way better flavor experience.

Bring that into pizza now. Most pizza on its own without any toppings is pretty amazing. As you start to add toppings, more levels of flavor are added on. Now add onto that the pineapple and it's like 5 new layers of flavor.

I found an amazing combination is green pepper, white onion and pineapple together. yum yum

Onion is also an amazing pizza topper.

No, it's not. It's even looks awful and tastes the same, just as pineapple itself. Brrr. I hate pineapples.

Now is mine opinion. Picture one Lada 2105 is thousand times better than picture two Mercedes E Class. But only than this E class, old ones are better than Lada of course. And classic Lada is better than any modern Mercedes too, and 95% of other cars produced in 2020. Everything is because of design - modern car design sucks big time.

Fantasy football/sports is just an insidious plot by math nerds to ruin the joys/concept of team fandom.

Since this is apparently a space specifically for contention, can I challenge the entire premise of this thread? ^^

I don't really see how it's particularly useful for 'training'...it's not as if only pointless topics of disagreement are allowed (and honestly, if that were the case, it'd be even less useful).

And is there really such a thing as disagreeing "without bad consequences"? What do you consider a "bad consequence" of an online disagreement?? The fact that someone might think less of you? They can still totally do that here or anywhere...that's not a thing that's under anyone's control.

The fact that they might call you names and mock you? To be honest, I think 90% of the users on this forum are more respectful than that; if they're polite on this topic I don't think it's because they're "challenging" themselves in self-restraint. They're probably just being their normal level of civil...

I guess what I'm saying is that this is kind of like "preaching to the choir"? Most of the people who will respond don't actually need this kind of practice, and those who do need it either won't be here or will probably just ignore the rules once they feel strongly enough about something. =/

...Anyway just to play along, here are some opinions of mine:

  1. Most people in the U.S. aren't actually afraid of clowns, they just act like they are because it's trendy.
  2. Art school is pointless unless you're looking to make connections, and even that probably isn't worth the cost.
  3. You should never take art advice verbatim. There ARE exceptions to every rule, and understanding them is just as important as understanding the rules, if not more.
  4. I'd say 60% of everything you learn in school is unnecessary. Nothing against school though: I don't think necessity is the point. Exposure is the point, and thus I think school curricula should be a LOT more flexible, ideally.

I feel like you forgot that whole murdery clown phase in late 2016 where people were dressing up as clowns holding knives and stalking people. A let's be real here, who the hell likes Ronald McDonald. Oh and IT. Speaking of, that was a missed advertising opportunity for IT since the movie came out a year after that went down. Unfortunate.

If anything it's trendy to be afraid of spiders. Like seriously, get a piece of paper and let it out outside. Like damn.

No. Just No. As many people have pointed out before, and as people will continue to point out for all of time.


Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I don't see people freaking out over octopuses or centipedes, and centipedes are venomous little bastards too.

  1. I was in high school during the murder-clown thing, and as I recall, it was fun to talk about but no one really took it that seriously. If anything, I see it as more of an effect of the "scary clown trend" than a potential cause.

  2. There's gray area between "like" and "fear". I don't like Ronald McDonald either but I wouldn't run screaming from him if I saw him on the street. Even to call him "creepy" would be a stretch for me.

  3. It's trendy to be afraid of a lot of things (especially when you're a female). But I think the fear of spiders is far more globally universal than the fear of clowns.

But I don't care neither about safety, airbags (my car doesn't had none, and ABS, and everything else electronic) and neither about crumple zones. Awful design is not that price I want to pay for safety. No way.
I don't want to see blob on wheels every day when looking on my car. And thanks that I don't see, because my car is picture 1 from my first post and if I'll ever going to change it someday - it won't be modern ugly piece of plastic for sure.