19 / 72
Apr 2020

I feel like you forgot that whole murdery clown phase in late 2016 where people were dressing up as clowns holding knives and stalking people. A let's be real here, who the hell likes Ronald McDonald. Oh and IT. Speaking of, that was a missed advertising opportunity for IT since the movie came out a year after that went down. Unfortunate.

If anything it's trendy to be afraid of spiders. Like seriously, get a piece of paper and let it out outside. Like damn.

No. Just No. As many people have pointed out before, and as people will continue to point out for all of time.


Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I don't see people freaking out over octopuses or centipedes, and centipedes are venomous little bastards too.

  1. I was in high school during the murder-clown thing, and as I recall, it was fun to talk about but no one really took it that seriously. If anything, I see it as more of an effect of the "scary clown trend" than a potential cause.

  2. There's gray area between "like" and "fear". I don't like Ronald McDonald either but I wouldn't run screaming from him if I saw him on the street. Even to call him "creepy" would be a stretch for me.

  3. It's trendy to be afraid of a lot of things (especially when you're a female). But I think the fear of spiders is far more globally universal than the fear of clowns.

But I don't care neither about safety, airbags (my car doesn't had none, and ABS, and everything else electronic) and neither about crumple zones. Awful design is not that price I want to pay for safety. No way.
I don't want to see blob on wheels every day when looking on my car. And thanks that I don't see, because my car is picture 1 from my first post and if I'll ever going to change it someday - it won't be modern ugly piece of plastic for sure.

Honestly I'd rather drive a wonky looking, overly designed car than a boxy death chamber on wheels. You're right, some modern cars are ugly, but not a ugly as that example you used earlier.

but octopuses are big. And they live in the Ocean realm, not the Land realm which is where a heck ton of humans are, so they don't disturb us. they are confined to their waters.

Centipedes on the other hand are totally fine to be scared of (i am)

but spiders' leg-size-to-body-size ratio is a lot bigger than centipedes. whereas a centipede's legs are a little thing that you can barely see that propel the thing forward, spiders' legs can be longer than the body itself.

It's like comparing a human to a human in a mecha suit. You can't just do that.

Regarding pineapple on pizza, I actually don't mind it which is weird bc I don't like pineapple on its own. Is that a hot take???

not-quite-related, but I feel like earning a like on here is now of a higher reward then it is in other places, does anyone disagree? :smirk:

I'm just gonna agree as someone who's gotten badges on here for getting likes. And I got the most likes by using gifs as replies bc I'm relatable and quirky

I think it's just because there aren't as many people in the forum. Also because on the post you like, you can see who liked it, which is similar for instagram but here other people can see which post you like too. It's more about agreeing with a statement than liking a picture. You can be more considerate of what you choose to like since you'd have to read the full post, which can be several paragraph long as a opposed to be 280 characters or less.

XD, yea that makes sense. But what I was saying was more of a:

Is getting likes on the Thread for Disagreement thread making you feel somewhat more accomplished than it would feel on another thread, like, because we 'arent allowed' to talk about 'aggreements', does the heart somehow mean that you've gotten someone to aggree with you? I'm probably reading too much into this haha.

Ah. Well, I'm dumb and I didn't read the full thing. Agreements are forbidden, give a like for agreeing or agree somewhere else. Guess I'm kicked out lol

I actually love spiders. I think they're amazing creatures and are the pinnacle of predatory arthropods. Though I don't go out of my way to pick them up, I'm not scared of them.

Because the big wolf spiders look like skinny little monkey hands zipping in and out of the shadows. Can catch and eat full-blown cockroaches.

Well...first off, they're really fun to watch when they hunt. There's a wide variety of types, but my favorites are wolf spiders. They don't wait around in a web for their prey. They chase it down.
Also I love the grouping of their eyes. Two big ones on the side, and six smaller ones bundled in between in an organized stack. When light flashes on them, they glow, and since the wolf spider is a nocturnal predator, sometimes you can see their tiny eyes in the yard when a light is shined on them.

Plus 8 is my favorite number, and since Spiders are arachnids, they've got eight legs. (Not counting the pedipalps, which are modified chelicerae, aka mouthparts.)

but don't they give off a menacing vibe? like, big or not, I know that if I was small enough it wouldn't give a second thought to eating me...

I suppose that part is in the eyes of the beholder. I see it as a beautiful and necessary part of nature. Having wolf spiders is kind of a good thing, since they regulate pest insects.