Today's theme is: "Catch that Bunny!"
In honor of spring (Kind of late ik), we'll be doing a comedy based challenge! I'll put mine down first!

~A shriek rang throughout the Dorm house. From the sounds of it, it came from Jasper...~

Kai: He looked over from the couch he was sitting on, alarmed. "Is everything alright?!"

Jasper: "S- Spot is missing!!!" She practically cried.

Kyoge: "The... rabbit?"

~Another shout rang out in the distance followed by a loud thud and crash. This time from the bathrooms.

Harper: *He stormed out the bathroom, it seemed like he got swept up in a storm. "There is a dangerous animal on the loose!"

Jasper: "Sp- spot isn't dangerous!" She pouted

~A blast of blue flames ejected from behind Harper, startling everyone who saw.

Tyson: *He surged from the bathroom, blue fire emanating from his hands. A devilish grin spread across his face. "FRESH MEAT!!!" He was chasing a small white and black creature...

Kai: He focused for a second, in that moment he realized that the creature he was chasing was none other than Jasper's bunny. Spot! Without wasting any time, He sent himself flying over the couch towards the furry animal.

~The bunny jumped, landing on Kai's head and jumping away. In the process, he shoved Kai's face into the carpet floor. It began to make its escape down the hall.

Kyoge: *He grabbed a nearby charger cord and a bright light flashed before it turned into a lasso. He spun it a few times before releasing it. It caught onto something! "Haha! Got you, you little devil!"

~He hadn't caught the bunny... instead, he caught Tyson. A burst of blue flames burning the cord as he stared Kyoge down....~

~Meanwhile, as another blast of flames was released within the living room, the bunny was eating a pair of flip flops.~

Harper: He looked down at the creature as it ate his house slippers... He tried to swipe it up but it dodged and ran down the hall. In response, he primed his technique, Jet. Once at a decent charge, he sprinted after the bunny, keeping chase.

~The two raced through out all of the Dorm house, including the upper floors. Until a door opened, smacking Harper dead in the face and allowing the bunny to escape once more.

Amy: "Oh... My bad dude..."

_~A few minutes later, while everyone was either sore or embarrassed, they spotted the bunny eating their lettuce they planned on using for lunch. _

Kyoge: "Stupid rabbit..."

Tyson: "I'll make stew outta ya!"

Harper: "I'll do the skinning and cleaning."

Jasper: "N- no!!! That's my family's pet!!"

Kai: "Let's calm down guys... how about this. We surround Spot, and all lunge at the same time!"

~They all nodded and got into position except for Jasper. Then, simultaneously, they all lunged for the bunny. Within mere moments, it leapt high before slamming itself back down on top of all of them. It then seemed to snicker.

Jasper: She quickly scooped him up from on top of her defeated classmates and cuddled him close. I'm so sorry Spot! I won't let that happen to you again! Poor baby!"
