23 / 54
May 2021

I love the commitment to answering :heart_01: and I could tell it was a reincarnation/transmigration type story from the answers

@MK_Wizard seems like you created a decent balance for them and made them as foils for your story

@ShoresofAcadie :cry_02: this is so sad. I take it he become a therapist as a result of that hospital stay?

@sxxaint I wonder why the world is burning :sip:

@Pony_wearing_a_hat my fave! I expected nothing less from these answers, haha

I'll use my main character, Sandra, since she's currently embroiled in controversy due to recent events in the novel. :wink:

What seemingly insignificant memory has stuck with your character?
High school mischief. It reminds her of a time when the world was perfect with her two best friends by her side and when she still had a chance with one of them.

Does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
She's successful in projecting the image she wants - confident and sexy. It comes with the job. :joy: But if she's caught off-guard by something traumatic, she can be frightened and vulnerable.

How does your character behave around people they like?
Demure, sweet, still flirty.

How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Quick. Honestly, this question is alluding to spoilers in next week's episodes. :open_mouth:

How easy is it for your character to say, "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?
So easy to say without meaning it. She's a singer after all. :wink:

your question just made a :bulb:!! on my mind. I got an idea, and it kinda irks me (not because of you) that I can't make my idea happen because it's not the time yet :crying_cat_face::crying_cat_face:

I love these kinds of threads! I'll use my scruffy fellow for this.

What seemingly insignificant memory has stuck with your character?
He lost his parents as a teen, and was permitted to continue living on his own so long as his attendance didn't slip. One of the teachers at the arcane academy he attended lived nearby; the runeology professor, an old Elf, who checked in on him often to make sure he was okay. A mentor-like relationship began to develop, which grew into a genuine friendship. This Elf would tell him old fables and legends about the Keepers; the pantheon of Elven gods. He loved history and mythology, and those fireplace stories on chilly mountain nights stuck with him. He knows way more about Keeper mythology than most humans.

Does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
No, he's a very genuine guy. He's not good at masking, or pretending to be anything he's not, so he doesn't bother.

How does your character behave around people they like?
He's mostly normal, but he'll quickly get bashful when he says or does something dumb. Which is quite a bit. His approach to romance is to have a great big crush and do very little about it beyond spending time with that person as his normal, warm self. If he notices there seems to be reciprocation, that's when he can get a little flirtier.

How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Very slow to resort to it. He'll let himself get knocked about rather than retaliate. You're completely screwed if he does, though. He's quite a mage.

How easy is it for your character to say, "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?
It's nerve-wracking to say the first time, but he'll let it out when the moment is right. After that, very easy. And he can't say it without meaning it.

He seems like a precious bean.

I read (then was too busy scrolling so I had to go back and like :sweat_02:) but can confirm.

Boxer is best boy

Oh, yay, Boxer has a fan! :two_hearts: He's gorgeous, I love my cheerful Elf jock. I'll do one of these for him if I find time later today. :blush:

It's definitely all connected. Dante's own negative experiences led him to develop a deep passion for helping others, especially people that society has left behind. Working as a therapist is one way that he feels he can make a positive difference in the lives of people who are struggling.

I just gotta say, I am doing just Vernon, but I want to do all three of my MCs just to help show em to you guys.
Enjoy and be mindful of spoilers.

1. What seemingly insignificant memory has stuck with your character?
More relevant than would be to ask Vernon what he doesn't remember... He has a number of different blank spots in his memory, either due to his seizures or sheer trauma. The mere mention of certain things can trigger severe responses from him blacking out, to flat out seizures if he tries to hard.... Vernon has some terrible issues regarding his memory, and it's a thing that he doesn't understand as has grown to hate, so he avoids the subject like the plague.

2. Does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
Vernon is very well aware of the image redmanes have in the world, but one of his biggest issues (and his focal point of season 1) is the fact that Vernon tends to bloat his issues due to his anxiety and fear... As a result his self image is very decadent and he feels like he can never really solve the problem, but he tries way to hard to be extra nice so NO ONE will have a problem with him... Even people he hates and actively want to kill him he tries to befriend and help.
This ends up painting a rather unique scenario where Vernon is actually a rather difficult person to deal with, in spite of how nicely he treats everyone.
Everyone that isn't prejudiced to his species usually sees him as an amazing and gentle person and wants to help him, but he sees himself as the most wreteched thing there is and a sin for even being alive and turns those people away, violently if he has too.

3. How does your character behave around people they like?
Vernon rarely opens up to anyone (heck i've posted 150 episodes and he only began to open up on the most recent one). Vernon is very shy and suffered a lot of prejudice, so he genuienly looks away and lowers his head in front of anyone... Generally you can tell he trusts you if he looks into your eyes for more than a second.
If he makes jokes around you or smiles, then he not only trusts you... He likes you.
If he reaaallly likes you... Like REAALY likes you... He wags in front you and doesn't imediatelly run away and hide. (Wagging is usually an intimate thing for canines, they are taught from a young age to not do it in front of everyone)

4. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Vernon has to feel a situation is life or death before he even thinks to resort to ANY violence, and even then he never goes lethal... He also generally doesn't deal well with blood (it's one of his memory triggers), so even then he usually resorts to disabling people without leaving a scar.
Until he is quite literally beaten and broken, he will try to talk or run from his opponents... It's why he has so many scars, and also why he wears such long clothes.
One of his developments in season one pertains to this dangerous habit of his.

5. How easy is it for your character to say, "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?
Took over 150 episodes, more than 5 months inside the story, and several brushes with death for him to come clean and admit that he loves Azreth and Grey.
Like the good little martyr that he is, he rationalized all his past relationships falling apart as his own fault and proceed to go very defensive in that regard... Often trying to push people away before they have a chance to get too atached to him... However his feelings for Azreth were almost imediate, and his feelings for Grey developed shortly after he joined the party.
He doesn't have a dificulty loving, he has dificulty allowing himself to love... So saying 'I love you' to them took a lot of hard work, and the breaking down of severals of the walls he put up to protect his fragile emotional core...
But now that it's done, he should fare a lot better in that department.
Also. just to answer the second question, when Vernons says he loves someone, he loves them forever... He just doesn't detach from people... He might in a moment of rage or frustration say otherwise, but it's never true and he probably regret saying it the very moment the words left his mouth.

This definitely looks like fun. Here's the answers for Nod from The Sons of Adam.

What seemingly insignificant memory has stuck with your character?

Tripping and falling face first into a snow drift.

Does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?

Nod tries incredibly hard to come across hard-edged and cutthroat, from wearing a suit and tie, right down to using the name Nod instead of his birthname Michael. He's even gone as far as ordering alcohol so he can sit and sip and swirl it to appear refined. He is still a 12 year old though, unless his reputation precedes him or until his brings out his friends, he gets treated like one.

How does your character behave around people they like?

Nod is playfully sarcastic, and not above throwing (small) items to make people jump or get their attention. If he's spending attention on someone, they're important to him. Unimportant people get ignored at best, incessantly badgered until they leave at worst.

How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?

Nod is smart enough to not engage in physical violence and use diplomacy, charm, and blackmail wherever possible - that said, if he isn't getting respect, he's not above using his friends to intimidate others into taking him seriously.

How easy is it for your character to say, "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?

Nod is willing and able, without question, to say "I love you," but finds the type of people who would say it without meaning it absolutely vile.

Thanks! This was fun.

Magnus: "Oh my god, I'm sorry, bro." He wiped his eyes with his sleeve ruffle. "Wow, that landed harder than I meant it to. I'm so mean sometimes."

Ah yes, my plan to get the coolest people I know to support each other is coming together

Gunhild hangs onto any memory of her mother. They're important to her because her mum died when she way young.
The image she projects is the same as the one she tries to project.
She's less secluded and defensive around people she likes.
Gunhild won't resort to physical violence unless attacked.
When she says "I love you", she means it.

Greetings! I'm on the road to 100 subs, 26 missing!

My replies to this question, regardin Nadhine Anahita from Menmar:

  1. For Nadhine, the fact that Raheem HATES being transformed into a purse got stuck on her mind and this will be something she'll often tease him about.

  2. Sometimes; Nadhine is someone that has an almost permanent, resting b****-face, and that makes her come off as aggressive, dangerous and intimidating. However, her closest friends and kin notice that this demeanor actually hides how sad and brooding she actually is due to all trauma she has to deal with. Deep inside, she's very sweet, she just doesn't want her best qualities used against her.

  3. Nadhine is more prone to accept jokes, gifts and even afection from those she likes; it may seem as if nothing changed in her expressions or behaviour when interacting with people she likes versus strangers, but the changes are subtle, meant to be understood only by those she trusts.

  4. Nadhine is a faction leader and learned pretty quickly how tyrants respond to questioning; therefore, she's quick to act with physical confrontation whenever the situations call for it. However, unless she sees a blade or a weapon ready to be brandished against her, she'll prefer talking first, then punching later if needed.

  5. It's a HELL OF A DIFFICULTY for Nadhine to say she loves someone; it's something I'll DEFINITELY approach later on my story. However, she's more of a shower than teller, her actions mean a lot in this matter. She will always be near her loved ones to tend to their wounds, feed them properly, check on their clothes to see if they are well-kept, and even bathe the person, should they be unable to. She's not quick to fall for someone, but, when she does... It's just as intense as her will to topple corrupt governments with her bare hands.

For a side character, Josh (my MCs younger brother)

1. What seemingly insignificant memory has stuck with your character?
A time his dad took him and Jake out to play baseball “just because” when he was in elementary school :no_mouth:

2. Does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
Very much so :sweat_smile: he tries to act all tough and like no one can get to him... but he usually just comes across as mean grumpy :weary:

3. How does your character behave around people they like?
:eyebrows: :cry_01: Really trying to be cool, but mostly bumbling around a lot :sweat_02:

4. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
It truly depends on the situation and people involved :eyes: it’s not unlike him to resort to violence, but he always feels it was justified in the situation :sip:

5. How easy is it for your character to say, "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?
Pretty much the hardest thing in the world :weary: considering he can barely say the words, he’ll definitely mean it if when he says it :blusht:

Gonna answer for Lucifer

What seemingly insignificant memory has stuck with your character?
He has a lot of memories since he is one of the oldest demons but as seemingly insignificant... Maybe playing music in heaven with Michael, Azazel and the other archangels. He used to enjoy it very much and he would always end up dancing. The Supreme Angel didn't use to like it much and ended up forbidding it to him, what made the fallen angel hate him even more.

Does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
Nope, he is very smart and knows how to project exactly the image he wants

How does your character behave around people they like?
sincere and playful, always trying to cheer up everyone too, he's a bit of a clown. He can be serious too if the situation asks for it,

How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
While he is a very nice character and it's difficult to make him angry, when someone gets to hurt his pride he can end up becoming violent - don't play with a demon's feelings, especially the most powerful ones. Also he will not doubt to hurt someone who hurted him or his loved ones if he doesn't see another solution.

How easy is it for your character to say, "I love you?" Can they say it without meaning it?
He says it all the time and always means it, He is usually very sincere, open and lovely. I'm not saying he can use the words some day if he really needs to his favour but it's not his usual style...