11 / 36
Mar 2023

Thank you!
I did some digging and found even earlier Kestrel's desings :smiley: when I look at them I feel like she had a glown-down in the current version, but at least now she has a fancy feathered cape

That is an absolutely brilliant idea. I should definitely do that! Thank you! :hohoho:

Hm... I don't really change my ocs designs... the only exception being Vampire Prince, which had it's first version I was drawing in middle school to high school and then I rebooted it here on tapas 3 and half years ago, with some concepts removed, some characters replaced with completely different ones, different plot... pretty much just some main characters and general setting have stayed the same over the years 'xD but some characters (that hadn't really made an appearance in the first version but I had them planned) came back to the new version but after a drastic makeover :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean like there's pretty much nothing left of initial design drastic 'xD

Hm, now I feel like I should check at which point Tirau's eyes during day started being dark blue... xD

A lot of my characters outside of h+h are still cooking so I know there's likely more changes to come however my absolute favorite character glow-up are Sophie and especially Ava from Welcome to Harewood

like this was first instance of drawing them out back in 2019

then came back to em with an update around 2021

then their final designs here that i drew just last year

Like i definitely fought with Ava the most coz after a while I was like "I'm not doing a white girl with locs" plus it felt like my brain was still really stuck on Robin and Dai from JtN hence the fixation on the hairstyle back then so after I let em cook and tried again it felt like striking gold and I've loved how he looks ever since then. Ironically Sophie probably changed the least just better looking skin tone and hair that imo better reflected the whole werewolf gimmick she's got goin on. But yeah these two r my fave oc glow up~ :heart_03:

the only thing now is figuring out how to draw his wings... :sweat_02:

I like how the sword pretty much stayed the same. Characters always go through massive changes, but somehow weapons can be spot on from the start.

Im very sad cause after 10ish years and 5ish computers it looks like ive deleted or lost most of my "firts drafts" of oasis and even deleted the old one that used to exsist on another website. XD so i cant share the old pages of my highschool years or the crappy character sheet refs of my collage years but ive been working on it for about 5 years now so figure thats good enough to show off dimitris "glow up" as his hair style changes

Yall can judge if hes looking more or less scraggly XD

So these are my three main characters. I think they glowed up pretty good, lol. I started Nocturne 21 almost 20 years ago. I have NO idea why I decided to keep going with it, instead of just throwing it in the trash where it belonged. I was just having a lot of fun with it. I’d make new pages and pass it to my friends and they’d read it, leave fun comments and pass it a long and I just kept making more. At some point I was in college and I’d spent so much time on this story I was like “let’s try and make it actually good”. I’m really glad I stuck with it. I love being able to look back at my old shitty comics and see real progress, even if the originals are god awful, lol.

I'll be lazy and quote a previous post :stuck_out_tongue:

Though I forgot to mention a 5th character, sort of; the girl in the top middle of the 'Silly Research Society' sketchdump with the green pants was called Myrrh, which is the same name as the purple-haired person in bitwam. They're basically completely different characters though apart from the name, so it doesn't count :stuck_out_tongue: (Unlike Alana, Emma, Dolly and Seth who actually did evolve from their SRS counterparts :P)

Omg I love these kinds of theads :smiley: always glad to see people's OC glow ups! :heart:
I have like 50 characters I have for much longer than these guys (hey the "I've been drawing the same characters for 20 years" squad!), but I am more than happy to see these guys progress ^^

Dude! Your art style is awesome! Makes sense doing it for 20 years! I’m only 20 🤣

Thank you! :wink: It's always funny to think that some of OC could literally be your children in terms of age :joy: