7 / 33
May 2021

My series is still very young so my MC doesn’t know who the big bad is. But, since the beginning he knows that the world now divided into at least 2 factions, he knows there is a big bad somewhere. I don’t know yet how he will meet big bad but it’s gonna be in a fight.

And to the promotion:

Darzsa knows the big bad and first hears of her in the first few episodes and meets her fairly early on. Their first encounter (at a seance) was a joy to write and its a true battle of wits that almost ends in violence. Great fun.

ugh, I want to share mine so baaad, but it's still too early hehe
anyways, my MC can sympathize with Kerren a bit, but instead of a creepy guardian, my "current" big bad was his Dr. Frankenstein of sorts

My MC knows the big bad at this point, and has fought him before, but things have yet to escalate to true enmity. Currently the Big Bad is just a villain they ran into once, and the MC has no idea how things will change.

Classic Fantasy doesn't have a big bad, honestly. There are antagonists of varying importance, but there is not "That One Dude to Defeat". It's about adventure, not plot.

The Ghoul doesn't have a very clear main villain, and Julian (the MC) didn't know any of the characters that could be labeled as antagonists beforehand. Of these characters, the titular ghoul "knew" Julian, as well as a near mindless thing can know someone, but it lives on instinct, so it doesn't really possess knowledge; Sidney didn't know any of the characters before the story began; and the priest had met Julian before, but didn't really know him personally.


This is a complicated question, actually. The person that the female MC THINKS is the Big Bad, she DEFINITELY knows, to the point that she spends decades hunting him down. The person she thinks is the Big Bad definitely recognizes her as a thorn in his side, but to him, she's a medium-sized annoyance, whereas for her, vengeance against him is one of her main motives. (Turns out, he isn't even close to the Biggest, Baddest thing that happens to her. He's just the catalyst that starts her journey.)

None of this has happened in the actual comic thus far, as I'm only on page 5 (of 7) of the prologue... but it will!

One of the main characters has encountered the villain, the other only knows about his infamy.

Ronan knows the big bad from his time in the military. I can't say anything else about anything without spoiling everything.

Hmm there's no real big bad in my current novel. Even the MC, Sandra, isn't exactly a good person. :joy:
Since it's a murder mystery, I can't really spoil but Sandra knows the "bad" person - although obviously, she doesn't realize he's bad. :wink:

In Shackles, the bad person is more obvious. The Empress Dowager is the MC and needs to escape her devious prime minister's plot. :smiling_imp:

Since Dark Bytes is an anthology, it's harder to pinpoint the bad person specifically. In general, the big bad is humanity or rather, how humanity creates and uses advances in technology. :wink:

Yes, my MC knows the antagonist. He was basically forced into joining said antagonist's cult/organization at a young age and is at the start of the story out of their reach for the first time, which leads to a lot of learning and healing on my MCs part. As for what happens between them after that... Well, we haven't gotten to that yet :wink:

My MC knows the big bad, because the big bad was her stepmother. She was incredibly cruel to my MC.

It is a bit early to reveal the "big bad" of everything, but Fang does already know his eventual enemy.

My MC doesn't know who the big bad is. But he'll find out eventually :slight_smile:

My MC does know who the Big Bad is. He's her dad!

My MC knows him quite well but doesn't know that hes is evil and therefore can't really comprehend their power.

The big bad guy isn't one specific person, but MC does (or will soon know at least) the big bad's hench-woman :kissing_heart::couplekiss:

My MC doesnt know the big bad yet, but it'll be fun figuring out how they'll get to meet each other for the first time

Without spoiling too much, I will say the MCs of my comic know the big bad a little bit.
At this point however, they haven't even shown up.

My Mc doesn't really know who the big bad is (yet), but he will find out pretty soon. The one who ruined his and his family's life, the monster who made them suffer, will be revealed to him. Though my villain might not seem very original, I assure there is more to his character, and he's probably one of my favourites among the cast!

For Clara, she initially didn't know who the true big bad was, but as she digs through her mother's cold case, she ends up discovering much more than she bargained for. Currently, she does know who that villain is, but she's taking her time for her sweet revenge :smiley:

(And yes, there's a ton of drama in my novel :joy:)