1 / 87
Apr 2020

Show some of the characters from your comics you haven't introduced yet, but are excited for. Say something about them and why you can't wait to get to them in the story. They can be coming in the next few weeks or years and years in the future.

These are three I plan on introducing in a few weeks time. Left to right, Toby, Willard and Ronald. They are childhood friends of the main character. He has 24 friends in his friend group in total, but these are the three relevant to chapter two. The two on he left will be the most important and reoccurring through other chapters. Willard is his work partner and basically the annoying asshole at the office no one really likes but has pretty good luck with girls for some reason. He's the very slimy con-man type (though they're all technically con-men). He's a loud mouth and a jokester. Ronald is a hoarder. Collects everything, though he very organized about it and likes to breeds rats. He's the oldest (but not by much) and acts very big brotherly. Toby looks like more of a shy nerd, but it's got a very no nonsense, vengeful personality and has absolutely no tolerance for being slighted or inconvenienced.

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I have a comic about personified religions (I'm doing my best) and I'm really excited to introduce everyone in my next volume, about the Islamic Golden Age! Includes my iterations of Islam, obviously, and its two main denominations; Shia and Sunni (left to right)

My bbs

Martin and Norman are Alise's twin body guards. They are literally my favorite characters to draw in the entire comic and I can't wait until their introductory chapter, because they're just so much fun! I just love their toothy grins and grumpy, often stoic expressions. Norman is the more serious of the two and tries so hard to be "sophisticated" despite literally being a huge carnivorous animal working under a mafia. And Martin is soft child with scars....my roommate's favorite character. Soft bby who just loves the princess

Suuuuure. Here are some characters I can show that aren't really spoilers.

My character Orion's mom and sister. We won't be seeing them for a long time. They'll stick around for a page or two.

Sezdri has a sister named Jinkzra (or Jinna for short). It will be even longer until we meet her in the comic though.

From my True Power comic, we have Hanz! I actually drew this when I was in college so it's about 12 years old now. He has been waiting a long time to make his appearance and he finally will be in just a couple more chapters. He's packed on a few more muscles since then though.

He looks more like this now:

I decided to exclude the aready seen characters.

These are two of my villains.

This is Wasp. Just Wasp. He is not the main villain of the story but he is someone my protagonist fights a lot for a living. He is a vicious psychopath who's only goal is to destroy his target city and feed any survivors to his giant bug army. He will be seen in Chapter 1.

Now this guy won't be seen for a few years. He is the main villan of my next comic series. Alastor Adien. He is a Drake monster with shape shifting powers (similar to one of my main characters and the same species). In his normal form he is more stable in battle. But in his stronger form he is a ferocious murderer.

I'm technically yet to even start publishing the comic (working on making a big buffer right now, hoping to launch on Halloween), but I won't list the first two characters because they get added within the first two chapters. Then it will just be those two for the first couple (shorter) arcs, and then this lady gets introduced:

Her name is Angela, and she is a consulting witch and law-abiding citizen. She's snarky and has a great big sister/little brother relationship with my main character. I'm excited because she's cool and smart and isn't ashamed of who she is. Introducing her sets the longer arcs in motion, which means that we won't see this second guy probably for years.

His name is Adam, and he is raised in a family of demon hunters and is a hired gun for the Church of Light. He is basically a growing-up "sanctioned" child soldier. I'm excited because there's a huge plot twist about him and he's eventually involved in the most ~spicy~ relationship in the entire story that also ends in a huge twist. Also Angela ribs the everliving crap out of him on every occasion and he gets really awkward and it makes me smile.

Currently on my comic are still on focus the Orcs. There is going to be a massive scale war once i get to the human race focus. These designs can be changed so be better to looking forward the hype ^_^

There are obviously a few characters in the new cover for Errant the readers are unfamiliar with...

Since really we've only properly met younger versions of Rekki and Sarin, there are a bunch of new characters to get to know. Even Rekki and Sarin will need some reintroduction because ten years is a long time, they're grown ups now and they've made life choices.

We'll be meeting Subo (bottom right) very soon, he's a core character in the upcoming chapter, so I'm not going to say anything about him because you'll find out all about him in the next few pages, and hopefully like him!?

Top right... well, let's keep that person as a surprise. Hahaha ooooh yes. The character is gonna be... fun.

Which leaves us with... top left. She's appeared in the comic briefly as an adorable ten year old. Urien's sister, Juliet (prefers to be called Jules). I think when she turns up, she'll be a lot of people's new favourite. She's probably the funniest character in the comic, and I hope will be relateable for a lot of people too.

Jules is a knight trained by Rekki who specialises in illusion and magitech engineering. If you think of Batman, but then think "okay but what if instead of being a grumpy straight dude with the physique of a pro athlete who is annoyingly perfect at everything, Batman was an pansexual autistic nonbinary meme queen with anxiety?" that's Jules Ellis.

I am so excited! His name is Alban, and he will join in rougly... two chapters! (we have 22 pages pr chapter)
He is a real himbo

He will be from Wayfinders: Off Course

Hello Guys :slight_smile:
The character whose entrance I am perhaps most excited about is Karen. We have already seen her face but we have never seen her interact within the story yet. She may initially seem like a secondary character but she will really play a key role. I don't want to reveal too much about so I leave you her image (she is really pretty) and the link with my comic :slight_smile:

Deirdre (right)... I haven't been able to resist drawing her for ages but it might still be another half year until she appears. My cast is very small so every character counts and she brings a lot of fun scenes and character development for the rest. (not to mention shes very fun to draw)