1 / 96
Sep 2020

When creating comics, I know how difficult it can be to judge how your story/art is progressing from an unbiased perspective. You already know what the plot points are, where the story is headed, and you've been looking at the same panel for so long that you don't notice the obvius typo right in front of you. Even when asking for feedback from friends and family, they tend to sugarcoat issues in an attempt to not hurt your feelings. Sometimes though, you need honest feedback in order to improve your work. So, in this thread I'm going to do exactly as the title says - give honest feedback.

I should first mention that I'm not an expert writer or drawer myself so don't expect any technical or detailed breakdowns of the entire structure of your story. My feedback will come mainly from a normal readers perspective. I also feel like I should note that I don't plan on roasting your comic if I don't like it, there's a difference between honest feedback and just being a jerk. I'm hoping the review I give sheds light from an outsiders perspective. For reference, I'm typically a fan of action/adventure/fantasy while not really enjoying stories where romance and drama take the spotlight. That being said, I'm open to critiquing any genre. Just be prepared for certain biases.

I'll also only be reviewing the first few chapters of your comic, depending on how long each update is. If your comic is dozens of updates in, then this probably isn't the thread for you since I wouldn't be looking at your most recent work.

Now that that's out of the way, let's get started.

For now, I'll take the first 3 people (if a bunch of people start showing up) who post their story in the comments. Please include:

  • a short synopsis (2-5 sentences should be enough to convey what your story is about, you can just copy/paste your summary if you think it does the job)
  • the genre(s) it falls under
  • what you want my critique to focus on (eg, story, art, layout)
  • which updates specifically you want me to look at (if your story isn't linear, ie gag comics)

Here's a reference "submission" (that's totally not a sneaky ad for my comic):

Nine years after ReWrite announced a means to alter someones memory, the majority of the population has undergone the procedure. Guised as a way to implant pleasant or remove unwanted memories, the company used the technology to manipulate patients for their own gain. From the outside everything seems normal, however, not everyone is blind to what's going on. Those who know the whole story fight in the shadows knowing that if they get caught, they'll be rewritten.

Genres: Action, Sci-fi

Since I don't do the artwork myself, please focus more on the story/layout/colouring.

That's pretty much it! I'll update the thread when I'm open/closed for reviews.

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There are 95 replies with an estimated read time of 36 minutes.

Honest reviews are nice to get.

My gag comic follows multiple characters doing stuff I find funny. The main genre is comedy, and the second is slice of life.

I would like to be critiqued on the humor, but if you can't do that then you can critique the art.

I have a comic. I don't really like it. I think it is pretty bad. I didn't write a script or anything, sooooo....
But anyway,
Genres: Dark fantasy, drama, and thriller (not yet).
Jesse is a regular highschool. Regular job, regular grades, regular everything. Except one thing. A few days ago a monster called Virgil gifted him with an old computer. But it isn't any regular old computer. It was the god of Death's computer. So, he can control other people's lives.
Meanwhile, in the b-plot, there was a conscience from getting that computer. His boyfriend was imprisoned, and Jessie doesn't even know it. His boyfriend's name is Neil. Neil is trapped inside of virgil, and has 31 dys to escape before he becomes the new body of virgil.
I would like you to give feedback on the art and story.

I neat little review can never hurt.

Genres: Fantasy, mystery, horror

It is a supernatural mystery comic with slight horror elements.

There's something strange going on in East Wis. Axelle noticed even thou she had only been here for less than a day. Static that comes on the radio and tv, and the fascination some of the residents have with this static. Even more stranger is that...show that appears. One book may lead her to the answers, with all the consequences that comes with it.

I want all round critique but story would be good.

I have almost nothing to add to the synopsis apart from the part where I explain the reasons behind the minimalist artistic choice.

Synopsis: "It's the story of a cube who decides to play with the codes of narration and visual art, all because he is bored.

[Author's note:

This project is my way of trying to learn to draw step by step while creating my own comic book. My goal is to learn how to draw simple shapes and to stage them until I feel comfortable enough with them to move on to more complex shapes, like less cubic landscapes or characters a little more charismatic, in clear not abstract .]

Genre: humorous

What types of reviews I'm looking for: I'd like you to give your opinion on all of them ... but I don't think it will be necessary to dwell on the art. Same goes for the layout, because I think I messed it up from the start by publishing non-designed boards with the webtoon format in mind. So it's mostly criticism of my storytelling skills that would interest me the most.

Which episode checked? Could it be possible for you to check my first two and only episodes, just to see my progress?

To start off, I’m going to talk a little about the art before getting into the actual humor itself. The style reminds me of early to mid-2000 rage comics with simplistic characters on a white background. There’s nothing that really makes it stand out among the plethora of other gag comics, but it works as a way to easily and quickly convey humour to the viewer. One thing I would suggest is to put in a bit more time in making the comic look neater. I noticed that for close-ups, you enlarge the base character image instead of drawing a new one. This is especially noticeable when you get really close6 to a character, you can see the blurred lines and the artifacts around the eyes and mouth. I would also try and keep the font size consistent unless you’re trying to highlight certain words – don’t change the font size relative to how much space you have in the speech bubble, change the speech bubble in order to fit the font.

The humour for me was rather hit or miss. A lot of it again reminded me of early to mid-2000 gag comics, where the punchline was less about making a joke and more of subverting expectations. That can work in moderation but overusing it can get boring quick, especially when you can start predicting the actual punchlines. There’s also a few jokes that just went over my head (out of juice2, dead squirrel2). While I may just be an outlier, sometimes a joke will make sense to you because you know the context around it while not translating well on paper.

I tended to enjoy the puns, 4th wall breaking and "relatable" posts the most. Out of all of them, lost arm5 was by far my favourite. It’s a simple punchline that relies solely on visuals, but is a perfect fit for your art style. Others that got a smile out of me were left side, motto and clone (to name a few).

Other things not related to the comic itself are to try and make your cover and banner stand out more. The webcomic market is very saturated right now, so it’s a difficult battle to compete with everyone else. The saying goes “don’t judge a book by its cover”, but that’s exactly what people do; in order to get people to even click on you, they need a reason.

I’m not sure what your current process is like, but I’d recommend writing down a bunch of ideas and then going over them with someone else and see what they think. A lot of jokes that may seem funny to you may only be funny to you. Having another set of eyes to offer a different perspective can weed out a lot of the “misses” and improve the overall quality of your comics. Your jokes have definitely improved since you started, which is great considering you’ve only been doing this for a couple months.

Thanks for the feedback. I don’t normally get critique on my humor even if I ask for it, so this was helpful to hear. And I never knew about the font size thing, which makes sense now that I think of it.

Synopsis: A young girl receives a magical stone, making her what is known as the medium. But this important role comes with consequences, as unchecked emotions can allow the stone to consume the user's free will.
Genre: Action Fantasy
What to critique: Everything. Lay into it. Go crazy. Rip it apart with your bare hands,

My comic is a slice of life/comedy. It is about a Panda that just moved to the Canadian Rocky Mountains to open his dream bar. There he meets the locals and makes new friends and goes on adventures with his new friends. The comic is more just snips of the characters lives and adventures or experiences they have had together.

I would be looking to be critiqued on story, character development, and humor is always a good one to get someone else opinion for sure.

I feel like if I give you updates I want you to specifically look at I will just choose my favorites which would not necessarily give you a good overview of my work. But if you only want to read a few I would say start with 1,2,4, then anything 8 onward.

Here's mine if you're still open for these. thank you!

Sonny enjoys a laid-back lifestyle with a gang of trouble making scavengers. One day, rumors of his brother’s death begin to circulate and kingdom officials move closer into the safety of the forest.
Sonny and the others are forced into strange alliances and even stranger situations to avoid capture, monsters, and more.

Genre: adventure fantasy
Looking for story critique really I'm not a big writer

it's short so far so no preference to which update

So I’ve read the first 25 pages and I have to admit that I have no idea what’s going on. It’s common for stories to throw you right in the middle of everything at the beginning to get you hooked, but right now I’m just confused.

I didn't write a script or anything

That already is a huge red flag. If you don't even know where the story is going, how do you expect the reader to follow what's going on. If you want to make a cohesive story, you need to at least create the groundwork.

Who are the characters? What are they like? How do they interact with each other? Where is the plot going? What are the problems the characters are going to face? How will the characters face these problems?

These are all basic questions that need to have at least some sort of answer before you even start writing. Now I'm not saying that you need to know each aspect of your story in excruciating detail, but you need to have some idea of what's going on, where you want things to go, and how you're going to get there.

To get to your story specifically, the dialogue feels very unnatural. It can be difficult to get speech to sound natural while also making the conversation to flow the path you want (I tend to struggle with it myself) but it's just something you just need to keep reading and revising until you can actually picture people having that exact conversation. Things are also jumping around like crazy. First it starts off in a forest, then a school, then somewhere with a computer, then watching TV? Overall I'm just having a hard time following what's going on.

In terms of art style, there's definitely a lot that can be improved upon. I'm not talking about how good the art work is (everyone starts somewhere and just saying "get better" literally helps no one), but rather how things are presented. The lineart itself is extremely messy, with lines overlapping each other or stopping abruptly. The text bubbles share the same fate, while also being difficult to distinguish from the background art. This problem is amplified by the font being difficult to read (especially when Virgil talks) due to the constantly changing font size, the poor choice of font, the weird gray border around the lettering and the sub-optimal positioning of the text relative to the speech bubble. Everything seems to clash with each other making an already hard to follow story even more difficult to follow.

Here's an example of "cleaning things up" (I'd recommend a larger font size as well):

I'd highly recommend you spend more time working on the story as well as your writing and art style. It looks like you're taking a break until December so I'd spend that time doing a bit more planning before you continue.

Tahnks. And that is a lot about wat i hate about it. And i know where story was going to go. I had it all in my head. Im canceling it. It sucks soooo much. And that was the only font i could use.
I am making a new comic with better art, and the story has been fully planned out. And my art style has improved a lot since then. But, i more of a writer than an artist.

I don't really have much to say for this one since I don't think there's too much to critique.

At first I wasn't a fan of the art style, but it started to grow on me as I read through the chapters. It's definitely something that's memorable and stands out. One complaint I have is that some of the text is too difficult to read, sometimes because the speech bubbles are slightly too small and sometimes because the text itself is too small. There are also a few typos here and there, but from what I've seen I don't believe English is your first language? If that's the case, it might be a good idea to find someone who's willing to proofread your work before posting it.

The story itself has started off fairly slow. I enjoyed the characters as well as their interactions, but the first two chapters didn't have me hooked. Chapter 3 was when the main plot finally started kicking in and made me scroll to read the next chapter, not because I was reading it for a review but because I actually wanted to see what was going to happen next!

Honestly I'm not too sure what I'm supposed to be reviewing here. Like you mentioned, this is more of you testing geometry and perspective than anything else. Since I'm not exactly good with perspective drawing myself, I'm definitely not the guy you want to be hearing feedback from. There's also no story right now for me to critique. If you'd like, you should post again when you have more to show off!

Oh thank you. And yeah I had a feeling, chapter 3 is where things are are supposed to really get started. 1-2 are just to show locations we are defiantly going to see again, I even had to shorten the 2nd from its initial length so, yeah, I'm glad it picks up at my preferred point.

Language in genreal..is not my skills, but I don't really have anyone interested to proof read except for myself but maybe I can find some one reliable. Im glad you enjoyed what I have so far.

Since you asked me to, I won't hold back with this review.

From what I've seen so far, the art style is really cool. An issue I have with the art itself is the action scenes. The movement feels very stiff and lacked "omph" in some panels (examples 16 24) where it felt like the characters were posing rather than fighting. I have to admit I was a bit disappointed that the comic isn't in full colour, but I understand that doing 2 coloured pages a week probably isn't the most feasible time-wise. I would've suggested considering moving to a 1 coloured page a week release schedule, but that brings me to the next problem.

We're currently 47 pages into the story and almost nothing has happened. We've gotten some character interactions with the two MCs, a short fight scene, a little bit of lore, and an arm wrestling competition with the frog man. Part 2 has seemed to have gotten better in the fact that things seem to be speeding up a bit, but it can be a big problem if you want to have an active and engaged audience as you're making the story. Take episode 5 to 9 for example. You used 10 pages to show a fight scene which could have probably fit in 5 or 6. This can be seen with episode 15 as well where you use 2 full pages to introduce a new town. Now this isn't too much of a problem if you care more about what people think about the final product rather than what they think as you're creating it, but it's important to keep a balance if you want people to enjoy the process.

Looking at the typesetting, (apparently I'm a stickler about it since I seem to somehow mention it in every review I've given so far) there are a few panels7 where the text isn't center aligned. This seems like it was done purposely since there are other panels where the text aligned, but I'm not too sure why. I don't know if this is just a me thing, but the text feels jarring when it's not.

Finally getting to the story, the plot seems fairly generic right now. From what's been said so far, it can be summed up as "two people on a journey to find a magical person". That's not to say that it'll be like that in the future; it's just that nothing has really jumped out at me so far saying "you should read this" - especially considering we're almost 50 pages in. Plot aside, the characterization and and interactions have been fun to read. I've especially enjoyed the facial expression they have during dialogue.

Overall, my biggest complaint with the comic right now is the pacing. The art is good, the characters are enjoyable, but the plot seems like it hasn't moved past the starting line. As it stands, it'd be a series that I wouldn't actively follow and instead pop back every few months to see what's happened.

This was really helpful! I was a little worried about pacing before, but didn't edit anything because I felt everything needed to be how it was for a better end product. The action could definitely be cut down though, which I never really thought about! The posing criticism is very helpful too! I'll try to add panel build-up so that I can add more of an impact to the blows. Hopefully it'll make sense why the things that happened happened and I've intentionally made it slow-paced to build to something; however, that doesn't immediately excuse the issue of getting 50 pages in without a feeling of gratifying progression, so I'm glad you told me. On the typesetting issue, that was just an unintentional mistake haha. I'm also surprised you actually complimented the art, because that was what I was worried about the most! Thank you for the criticism, I really appreciate that you took time out of your day to help me improve!

Since you didn't mention the art in things you want to be critiqued, I'll make this section brief. As I mentioned with DiscountedArtist, the art itself isn't too important when creating gag/comedy comics since it's just a tool used to tell a joke. However, the art is what's used to initially get a viewer. I'd recommend tidying up certain aspects, mainly the typesetting. The text is unnecessarily difficult to read (look into Wild Words if you want something that looks cleaner), sometimes overlaps with the speech bubble3, and sometimes changes colour2 for no real reason. There are even times where the speech bubbles themselves are positioned out of order1. When positioning the bubbles, you need to take into account the readers "path" through the panels.

As for the story/humour, I can't say I'm a fan of it. It seems like a lot of the jokes revolved around puns which isn't always a bad thing (I actually like puns), but everything in moderation. Many of them felt forced which comes across as cheesy rather than funny. The non-pun jokes also fell flat with me. There were some good jokes in there (episode 92, the Betsie joke from episode 11, episode 16), but I honestly wouldn't have reached those if it wasn't for me sticking around to review the series.

I can't really critique the story itself since as you mentioned, it's just snippets of the characters lives. Since you said SoL was one of your genres, maybe consider putting your characters in places/situations that the user can relate to? That makes it easier for the reader to connect to the character since you can "put yourselves in their shoes". You kind of did that with the COVID "arc", but I would choose a topic that isn't beaten to death since it's literally all you hear about right now.

The characters themselves are fairly one-dimensional. They seem to have a single defining trait that encompasses their entire character and the jokes are based off of that. The only character that had any sort of real "development" was Cassie, which went from someone who was annoyed at the beavers insensitivity to one who played along with the jokes (which happened completely in chapter 2). I wouldn't really worry about character development at the beginning of a comedy comic though. Most people come for the jokes, so I'd say to focus on those before you start building complex characters. When you've laid down the fundamentals and feel like it's time to spice things up, then you should start looking in to giving the characters more depth.

After reading what you have so far, I can't really think of any feedback I can give you. I liked the art, the dialogue flowed nicely, each character had their own personality which showed by the way they talked and acted, and panel layout was great! The story hasn't developed much yet so I can't give a critique on it yet, but you did an amazing job with the world building thus far. Just make sure you've developed enough of the story so that you don't lose direction of where you want to go as you get further into it.

The one piece of advice I can think of is to advertise your comic more whether it be on here, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, your local supermarket - anywhere really. I'm sure there's a lot of people who'd be interested in seeing where this story goes.

I always like to hear what people think of my comic, so I'd be grateful if you'd give it a review!

Synopsis: In the distant future, humanity has conquered the stars and colonized the galaxy. This is thanks to a mysterious artifact known as "Keter", a device capable of producing infinite energy and greatly extending people's life expectancy.
However, due to an accident many years ago, Keter was lost. And now, a certain young woman is about to discover just how far humanity is willing to go to get it back.

Genres: Scfi-fi, Action

I don't mind what you focus on in your critique. I just want to hear your thoughts on whatever you think is worth talking about.