Art looks good, it's legible and you have a firm grasp of paneling. Action flows well from one panel to the next, and I am never at a loss for where which character is or what's happening. Anatomy of your characters could use some work though, while they have a good structure to them, there are definitely some points where the anatomy looks wonky.
I read your first episode, and judgin from this I would say your dialogue could use some polishing. A lot of times your characters seem to be talking without any point, at least from a story perspective. Take the scene about the wine bottles for example, in the store. They talk for far too long imo. While normal people will have these chaotic conversations, characters should talk with purpose.
Another thing, exposition is a bit clunky. One thing that bothered me is the green character introducing himself through a monologue after the whole robbery incident and the interrogation scene. Naming the character, his age and occupation etc could have been perfectly handled by the police officer conducting the interrogation. Further, he talks about feeling different, but we never see or get any indication that something has actually changed about him, we're just told that through the monologue. I'm assuming he's gotten superpowers of some sort, so I'd point you towards the OG spiderman film. There you get a clear picture of before and after getting powers, and as an audience member you can tell visually without spoken exposition that there has been a change.
Overall, I think it's a fun comic. The art is decent and I can definitely see a lot of potential!