21 / 102
Mar 2021

This man has definitely spent many a coffee-fueled night tinkering with rune spells and theories while completely losing track of how many hours he's been at it. He's often surrounded by several half-drunk mugs, each abandoned because he forgot about them and the coffee went cold.

That said, warm Earl Grey tea with milk and sugar would be a nostalgic comfort drink for him as well. So both, depending on whether he's feeling calm or whether he's hyperfocused on something.

Also whisky, but that wasn't part of the question. And he definitely puts whisky in his coffee.

Kaguyo is definitely a coffee drinker

Flora: Tea
Axis: Coffee
Allura: I don't have time for it
Sancuro: Coffee, and kind of salty that he's the god of healing and not coffee
Rune: Tea
Rune's a sloth :laughing:

Hmmm...I'd say most of my OCs would be tea drinkers.

The caveat is that both coffee and tea are classified as potions in my comic's world. Most teas have healing properties, but coffee is considered poison. So it would be a bit odd to casually drink coffee :joy:

This being said, one of the future members of the main party, Loki, takes their coffee with whiskey, so...

Beck doesn't drink coffee often,
But Ollie thinks sleep is a symptom of caffeine deprivation.

Shyba: He feels about the same on both, but if he has coffee it has to have a lot of sugar and cream.
Kiara: Tea. She hates the taste of coffee.
Jeremiah: Coffee. Usually black, but sometimes with a little sugar.
Nicky: Iced coffee or energy drink. Doesn't care for tea.
Reba: Anything with caffeine.

Bally: Bottled Coke with peanuts inside
Andy: Dr. Pepper & Mountain Dew
Cass: Coke & Coffee, sometimes both at the same time
Bixler: Tea

I have quite a few, but Let's see:

Alfredo: Green Tea (He also like Hot Cola, but the question is more about Cofee and Tea)
Eva: Pomegrenate Tea (She also like Hot Cola, but the question is more about Cofee and Tea)
Ivan: Macchiato (He also like Hot Cola, but the question is more about Cofee and Tea)
Jadie: Caramel Iced Coffee
Roger: Espresso
Chancelor Right: Aloe Vera Tea
Jack: Black Coffee
Redheaded Misfit: Mocha (He also like Hot Cola, but the question is more about Cofee and Tea)
Greta: Lemon Tea
Golia: Red Eye Coffee
Nana: Chamomile Tea
Otto: Americano (He also like Hot Cola, but the question is more about Cofee and Tea)
José: Irish Coffee (He also like Hot Cola, but the question is more about Cofee and Tea)
Ferdinand: Cortado (He also like Hot Cola, but the question is more about Cofee and Tea)
Morgante: Oolong Tea (He also like Hot Cola, but the question is more about Cofee and Tea)
Charlotte: Coffee
Bells: Frappuccino
Leonora: Black Coffee

GENRE: Fantasy, Sci-fi Drama
There are so many people in the World of Gaia, each one of them has a story to tell, of events that changed their life drastically, both for the better, and for the worst...
One start, and Five stories, of the preluding events that mark the beginning of the Story, of "The Golden Garden".

Set in a "Fantasy" world with Sci-fi roots, "Stories from the Golden Garden" is an Graphic Novel anthology that, following the Prologue, will tell 5 short stories about a few individual, all connected together by Destiny, while they celebrate 4 Holidays typical of their world, and also with the Origins of the Main Character, and that will all lead to the main story of "The Golden Garden".

Enjoy your Stay, Have a nice day!

Glen: Probably tea
Amy: Coffee
Jackson: Either, he has no preference XD

I can totally picture Oscar drinking coffee
And Albert would probably prefer tea.

Coffee for Elliot and Garrett. Tea for Atticus and Kristine

Scarlett: Tea
Lucas: Coffee

Edgar: 100 % Tea, preferably his self made tea, from herbs he found in the woods or in the rosegarden of Nefarious.

Augustin: After he discovers Coffee (doesn't exist in Nefarious) he would be an addict. Also he would try every opportunity to get Edgar to like Coffee as well.

Janelle is definitely a coffee drinker but will drink tea when she doesn't feel well.

Sabastian prefers tea.

Xamina enjoys both.

I like this question! None of my characters really have access to tea or coffee, but if they did...

Agony: Used to drink both but took a hard left into just drinking coffee.
Thesis: Very strong, very bitter black coffee, or very, very bland tea.
Duenna: Tea with flowers on the box.
Motif: Way, way too much coffee. Several cups a day.
Sequel: Will drink whatever you hand him.