47 / 102
Mar 2021

Luca- Coffee
Annie- Coffee
Azeez- Ice tea
Noa Karolina- Tea
The Godfather- anyone's okay for him

For Tanidreams:

When he's tired or stressed out - Coffee
When he's socializing or relaxing - Tea

In the comic, he's more relaxed so I guess more tea :slight_smile:

Himuri loves coffee and even used it in plot to try to not fall asleep. xD
Sakari is more of a tea person. Jasmine tea is his favorite.
Kiyomi would drink both.

Taisou definitely drinks coffee as dark as his soul.
Yuuga would drink coffee if it had more milk than coffee in it, so generally he prefers tea.
Yozoku would be more of a coffee drinker, though he prefers other drinks.
Kahino is another coffee drinker.
Hanayoru is shown at the very beginning drinking tea, so here the answer is obvious. xD

So far, about ten pages in, my comic WYRD is taking place in a coffee shop! It's a paranormal themed coffee bar called the ... Cryptonomicup!

That being said, not all of the main characters are necessarily coffee people!

Mike - absolutely coffee, all the way. Any preparation. Any time of day.

Neil - prefers tea, also drinks kombucha and protein shakes on the occassion. Still excellent at making coffee though.

Benji - coffee mainly. Also enjoys tea, chai lattes, or cold brew. The resident latte-artist of the shop.

Ollie - coffee or tea is great, but they have a soft spot for matcha and drinks with boba.

Tilly: Claims it's coffee and black like his soul. It's actually a chai latte with whipped cream.
Methe: White Russian, but he'll settle for an Irish coffee.
Ash: All the tea, all the time.
Star: Cocoa with marshmallows and too much whipped cream.

Tessa: Tea
Hei: Coffee with too much cream and sugar
Torgrak: Whiskey

Suria: huge coffee advocate
Lupina: both
Benita: sweet iced tea
Esperanza: herbal tea
Candace: coffee that's 90% cream and sweeteners
Ron: honeydew Boba tea
Jet: the souls of the innocent

Did somebody say tea!? As a British person how could I not be summoned? :supicious_stache:

Rekki: Coffee (basic filter with a little milk, black, americano or espresso) or maybe a "builder's tea" (strong British tea with just a little milk).
Sarin: Tea (either British style but with soy/almond milk (lactose intolerant), or green tea. Also likes herbal and fruit teas like rooibos.)
Subo: Tea (Milky black tea or chai) but he'll drink milky or sweet coffee drinks like mocha or cappuccino.
Jules: Coffee (usually black or espresso), will only drink tea black.

Amèlia: both
Death: tea
Life: coffee
Sin: very strong coffee
Tumael: tea
Lucifer: coffee

Kenji would have coffee, while Valentino prefer tea..

1 year later

@Lucca_Vendramel Aww they look so cute.

Its actually interesting to see that the creators who are tea drinker like to specify what the characters are drinking. I personally like early grey, and make it into a London fog. I just bought some premo tea for it. XD But I also really enjoy raspberry, and black current tea with a little honey.

Naota: Naota drinks brand (Brand is actually peptil bismol)

Nikado: Tea. Because it's the fancy drink.
D: Tea because he has too much energy. He's like a little jumping bean.
Nancy: She needs to stay up all night so coffee. Especially when she's doing undercover work.
Quincy: The dude's a heavy sleeper despite being the sheer definition of entergetic.

Rahat: Tea, coffee gives them real bad jitters.
Qamar: would naturally prefer tea but due to their working environment they use coffee as a crutch.
Alya: coffee, but one of those Starbucks ones that's glittery and terrible.
Najm: Coffee, but like the stuff you make at home, might put a cinnamon stick in every now and then. Generally likes the taste and the physicality of it. But doesn't actually get a caffeine high due to their poison tolerance.

For long hours of surgery, I adore coffee and tea. Please advise me on an excellent coffee storage product. Share your expertise about GFCI tripping as well.