21 / 32
Jul 2021

There is no good and there is no evil. It's all grey.

Self absorbency absorption can get you far enough to survive, but not thrive.

Also relationships with others (all kinds) are complicated and varied.

Shonen protagonists are just as evil as Walt Disney. They give impressionable children false hopes and dreams. So they must be killed in order to restore balance upon this planet.

Well I guess the hidden message is "Be careful what you wish for because the outcome might not be what you had hoped"

People are powerless until they understand their power to make a choice, but even then, they have to be strong enough to live with those choices.

Don't judge a book by its cover, people are not what they seem to be at first glance

What is not written is just as important as what is in literature.

My Tapas novel Gaijan is supposed to be a metaphor for mental health, specifically depression (I say supposed to be because I have no idea if readers would pick up on it).


All fiction should have a message. If your story doesn't want to transmit something, then it just stuff you're telling.

I think whoever reads my novel will surely end up with their own interpretation of what I wanted to covey through it.

23 days later

When I first started writing my novel, I really didn't think about morals or hidden messages, I just wanted to tell a story I thought up for fun. But as I got into writing it I realized I did have a moral or secret message. And honestly, it's pretty cool how the story kind of wrote itself, you know? Anyways, here's my secret message:
Honesty is the best policy, because if you lie, it will build up and collapse, leaving misunderstandings and chaos that could've been avoided by just telling the truth.

If you like this and you like some twists, feel free to check out my novel, but don't feel pressured to subscribe. Only do it if you like it :grin:

Sometimes sensible decisions make no sense.

Aladdin was my childhood fave!

Prefer to leave the interpretation open for the viewer so they connect with it personally.
I enjoy writing layered, grey characters so there are other powerful deeper/hidden messages when it comes to the bigger story.
for me a few can be: Finding Middleground, forgive & forget, more than what meets the eye

Never thought of my messages much but now that I look into what my stuffs about. There's a few that only makes sense in the end.

Taking on a heavy task and emtional burden on yourself as a child would heavily affect you for years. Even though you see it as alright at the time, eventually the negative affects will show and they last.

Happiness is a subjective thing. What makes a person happy may not be what is healthy for themselves or others around them.

Love and pain are up to fated. Only making one stronger and wiser.

Nothing stays the same forever.

Everything happens for a reason.

Though everyone looks happy on the out side but they all have their obstacles and sad past.

Hello Out There!!! Come on over and check out my comic strip about cute little mice!!!
There is a hidden message (sometimes not quite so hidden). The mice are a metaphore for
humanity. There are some political jokes but they are not bang-you-on-the-head wokeness.
I try to tone that aspect down a little more than most,
Again, come on over and check out my comic strip!!

One message in Mayhem on Earth is to not remain fixed on rage but to move on and think about building a better future. Basically optimism during dark times. (It's an apocalypse story)

My comic is quite long form, but the overarching themes are reexamining the nature of good and evil, enabling personal change, and the process of dealing with guilt.

I usually call this special message a "theme" or "thematic statement", and I found that if I don't have one in mind writing a story, I can end up writing about stuff I don't really care about or relate to.
as for "Goodbye, Rival", it's "You can't change someone that doesn't want to change. even for the better."

It's not immediately apparent since my series is still in its early stages, but its hidden message/theme is "Love can come in many forms, and no one form is more important than the others."