17 / 31
May 2021

Likes are transient and meaningless, comments display you what your readers THINK or FEEL.

At least comments give me something useful, readers offering me their insight, telling me if they enjoyed my story...those actually help. Likes...maybe they'll get a girl to the trending page or something but that shouldn't be motivation to get them. :sweat_smile:

Comments for sure. Even if they are negative. They take 10 times more effort than liking.

Comments are far greater than likes. It's easy to hit the like button. But commenting on someone else's work takes time, but it's better that way. It shows people that you anticipate their work and are paying attention in some form or fashion:

I enjoy both. I enjoy the fact that people really enjoy my work but I would love to hear the witty remarks and inciteful thoughts in the comment section more. I want to engage with my fans more! :smiley:

Comments!!! But I do love likes. Both keep me motivated to keep going.

This is exactly why when I view others' work I try to leave a comment on something I noticed/stuck with me. Comments are free and people like them. And I'm usually a busy body anyway. The only time I don't is if I end up seeing it while I'm out running an errand or if I'm in the middle of cooking lol.

(though it is harder on novels because usually i save those for when I'm working out, cause my phone reads them to me (I'm dyslexic))

I watch my views
I like my likes
I enjoy my subs
But comments, comments is what drives me.

Having a story means that I have something to say. Something to tell the world.
And getting a response on that is the reason I shout out my story into the world wide void.

That, and support. Ink support and donations are the primos! The top!

Subs. I feel that people who sub on their own want to follow the story. I don’t have preference between likes and comments, as imo whatever peeps are comfortable with.

Yeah it does seem like a war, if you check mine I'll check yours :slight_smile:


I prefer comments by a long shot, since I really like to receive feedback and constructive criticism from other users. Don't get me wrong, likes are really good for me and I'm really happy whenever I see somebody liking my chapters, but when I see comments, I'm even happier because I get to know how people perceive my story.

Here's my comic if you're curious :wink:

Comments are like rocket fuel for my comic motivation, I love them! My favourite part of every fortnight is reading the comments on new episodes, and seeing people react to whatever it was I hit them with in the story.

Webtoon doesn't have an alert when you receive comments. And that made med bail from the site. I can not use that. And their stats are useless compared to Tapas

I vastly prefer comments but I will take whatever I get. I just like the idea of people talking about something I made.

Nope. The only important thing is how many views do you get from the USA each week. And nothing else matters.

Comments are more insightful and help you as a creator know what specifics your readers like from your story or don't like.

2 months later

I would much rather have a comment than a like, personally. It feels more involved to me.