No it's about people retaliating from some form of action with a similar one. Creating a fuel reduced area is a firebreak designed to either slow the fire's momentum or keep the fire from reaching other areas so as to combat it in a fixed section. What you're referring to might be considered preparing for a fire with fire.
Yes I know what the figurative meaning is. I also know about controlled fires and how they work (I'm an ecologist - as scientist). I was merely meaning I think the figurative meaning comes from the controlled fire strategy, and after a quick check it may be that.
I don't have time to check whether it's 100% sure.
Yeah, i've always theorized that the foresters coined the term into relevancy in those days but Shakespeare's work quietly changed the meaning to fighting methods with equally destructive methods.
But yeah, it would be better if people understood they should try to prevent disaster rather than fight in equal retaliation.
"I work hard for this." (In some context) So do I and so do the billions people living here, people are perhaps working harder than you thought but they don't get what they deserve. The fact you work hard doesn't distinguish you from the rest, doesnt make you deserving of everything, and doesn't make you immune to criticism or misfortune.
"I have been through worse." Oh, I'm sorry, but maybe you deserve it for being unsympathetic asshole. You may have been through worse but I don't want something to do around that level.
"Back in my day..." unless you're telling a legit fact and not previous point disguised in nostalgia then screw yourself.
"I know you more than you know yourself" Lie, lie, lie. I can't wait to prove that they're terribly wrong.
I have a couple of finnish ones that my mom loves that make me just annoyed;
"Oh chicken cage of terror" (translates to something like "Oh my god that is terrible")
"I will show you where the place of the cupboard is" (This is pretty much a mom!exclusive one, if your mom is angry she will use this as a threat)
"As if made by simultaneusly running and peeing" (Means something was made in a rush and is of bad quality because of it)
there are some phrases i hate, but are too political, so i won't start a flame war here, but i really hate stuff like "you don't like my movie because it has a women or black person or x minority" or stuff like that, that's a cheap way to justify bad movies and ignore bad critiques,
this one is exclusive for mexicans, here in México, the situation is very complicated, we elected a new president, and, well, the previous presidents were pretty darn corrupt, so this guy showed himself as the good guy, "i'll eliminate corruption, the good people is under a corrupt government" and that, so, now he is President, he has been screwing up a lot, but when someone says something about it, he, and his followers, just says "you are part of the power's mob" or, "we are not like the previous ones" and you know, stuff like that, they use it as an excuse and those who question him are the bad guys
Doesn't make me crazy anymore... kinda miss it since Oma and Opa passed away.
But they had a phrase they were always saying in their language that basically can be translated to 'Kiss the cat and laugh at it' and I have no idea to this day what it means. Even when I asked them "What you mean?" they would just laugh at me as I was apparently missing something obvious.
There's actually a lot of English ones that though I'm used to hearing now, confuse me as a kid because I took a lot of things literally with English not being the first language of anyone in my house, they just... did not make sense. Like "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" which is, it's not possible. I even tried it as a kid just to prove it was impossible. It means something like, "You have to work hard to make it" or something like that, but no mater how hard you work trying to 'pull yourself up with your shoelaces' it's not going to fukin happen. So why are we taking a scenario that is impossible to achieve on your own to be a symbol of personal achievement? I don't understand??? I still don't understand this one?????
"Alright time for a group pow-wow" When used to referring to 'a meeting at work' I just... that word does not mean what you think it means????
"Otaku" call me that and I'm going to fuking punch you. It's insulting. I don't care of the culture is different here just do fuking NOT.
"Blasian" I know I mentioned this in another thread regarding words I hate but I just REALLY REALLY REALLY hate this one to the point it needs to be mentioned again.
"Happy wife = happy life!" Usually said by people at a store when I'm buying a gift for my boyfriend or ask for help cause I got no idea what to get them. They just assume I'm getting it for a girl when I say 'significant other', I'm sorry he likes cute things ok, also gay people exist. Even outside of my situation personally I still think it's a dumb saying. Just, pretty sure both people in the relationship need to be happy to have a happy life???
"My sin babies." "My gay bois" "These boys are the reason I'm going to hell." When referring to a gay couple. Honestly, you're probably not going to run into these ones unless you talk to a BL fans. It's just.... fukin stop, it's not even amusing as a joke, it's not cute either. Thanks for treating gay men (even if they are fictional but honestly aren't all the time since they say this stuff about real people too like k-pop members) like a sin / child / the reason YOU are going to hell. Just... fuk. you.
Такого я ещё не слышала хд
@Mari you can hate me, but I love each and every one of them