20 / 24
May 2019

Mmmm no, that is not my gut reaction. I don't know howw would create that impression either.

1 year later

If there're more cosplayers searching for info, I've decided to share with you what I've got from other forums.
There are sewing machines that can deal both with light fabrics and something stronger as leather. So I understood that it is not that difficult to create the whole costume by myself. I went on a deep search on sewing machines and useful tips.
Here is a good video with sewing basics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KKVVEuZ7cg
And some more useful links:

I really hope it would be useful for you :blush:
If you have one of them, please write to me cause I'm considering buying one.

9 months later

Thank you for the info. I'm pretty sure that cosplay in that case starts from choosing a right sewing machine for it!