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Aug 2021

Hello guys!. I just want to know some of your experiences when making your comic/manga. What keeps you motivated?

I sometimes get tired and lazy when making a page. However, I still want to finish my manga someday.
Any encouraging/ inspiring experience to share? (Some advice will also do)

  • created

    Aug '21
  • last reply

    Aug '21
  • 22


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  • 68


Basically I tell myself "If I don't tell this story, then it'll never be told." :sweat_smile: Which is very true - no one will tell your story like you do. Your characters won't act or think the same way if someone else writes the story.

I look at old drawings. When I do that, I can see how far I've come with my art. It motivates me to work until I'm able to look at my current drawings and cringe because I could do even better.

I have a few different motivations, which motivate me in different ways.

When it comes to finishing a particular page, I set myself a one-week deadline from start to finish. I've figured out that this is manageable for me, and since I haven't missed a deadline yet, I'm motivated to keep that momentum going.

When it comes to continuing the seemingly endless slog of the story, my motivation is ... I actually intended to start this project (or another like it) almost fifteen years ago! Eventually I couldn't put it off and 'what if' and talk myself out of it any longer, because NOT trying to make something and put it out there was doing so much damage to my mental health. So there's a fair bit of NEED behind my desire to make this comic. I'm finally feeling the relief of doing something I should've done years ago. It feels right. I don't want to go back to feeling like I'm wasting my existence anymore.

When it comes to why I continue drawing, in general? I've been drawing since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I don't think I could stop if you paid me. NOT drawing would be so, so bad for my mental health.

Yeah. Same feels! I thought that my old art was the most beautiful in my eyes. But a few years later when I looked at them again, I realized how distorted their faces were. Brings back memories. Thank you.

True. I thought I would just leave this hobby of mine when I landed a full time job. But from time to time, I imagine the characters in my head like it's an anime episode. I sometimes want to continue it and then fall from being lazy again..that's why I need fellow creators to encourage me to continue. Thank you.

There are a few things:

  • I love seeing my story come to life! I've wanted to start telling stories from the world I've built for so many years, so now that I've started one, I'm not going to stop.
  • A whole bunch of other people also really like my story, and their encouragement is fuel on the fire!
  • I'd like to be paid to make comics one day. So I treat it like a job, and I can't just choose not to do my job because I don't feel like it.

You hit it! that's what I think sometimes. But thinking that it'll take a long time to complete my story or will I ever be? (asking myself if I can make it) makes me discouraged. Maybe finding some people who really like my story and art and leave some positive comments about it adds to motivate me. It's all in my thinking..I have to change my mind. Thank you.

Something encouraging I have to share is think how awesome you will feel when your manga is complete. I completed my first webcomic this year. Being able to hold a copy of it printed off as a paperback book feels amazing.

Keep it up, I know you can do it!

I have a burning need to constantly create stuff. I think it's legitimately an addiction actually

Whenever I see a chapter/drawing of my ocmic finished, even when I spot details I overlook while drawing it, it makes me feel great!

Music that I relate to my comic really helps too.

I think to myself about how if I want to do this as a career, then giving up is not an option... And I'm kind of dramatic so I tend to imagine myself on my deathbed regretting not trying harder, and then I decide I have to keep going. Not sure how encouraging that is... :sweat_smile:

Pretty much feel the same! Well except for the 2nd one since I technically haven't posted my story yet :sweat_smile:

When I first joined Tumblr, one of the first posts I ever read was this strange little blurb. I don't know who wrote it, but I find myself coming back to it every now and then, and not only is it funny, but it's also pretty solid advice.

how do draw good

  • fill 14 sketch book
  • bad stuff is good stuff bc you made stuff
  • do you like sparkle???? draw sparkle
  • draw what make your heart do the smiley emote
  • member to drink lotsa agua or else bad time
  • d ont stress friend all is well
  • your art is hot like potato crisps
  • don’t let anyone piss on your good mood amigo
  • if they do
  • eat
  • them

I think it might just be part of my personality? I enjoy grinding in video games, but at some point I always ask myself why I'm doing it and then quit because I don't care about the goal. With art I'm actually producing something, so when I ask myself that question I can answer that I'm making progress on something that matters to me, so I just never stop.