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Nov 2017

So, i updated my photoshop to cc 2018 and it came with a stabilizer feature (FINALLY) but at the same time I download clip studio paint. I'm having trouble seeing the effects of both programs' stabilizers, especially clip studio paint as I'm not sure exactly where it is. If it's not too much trouble could anyone provide information on how to set these stabilizers to work to their optimal setting for linework? My line work is always wobbly/shaky. For extra information I use a macbook pro 2010 and a huion h610 tablet. Thank you!

  • created

    Nov '17
  • last reply

    Nov '17
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So I'm not really sure about the differences between the two since I haven't used photoshop bast CS6, but the stabalizer settings are saved for each induvidual brush with CSP, they should be arround the same place where you change brush size, anti-aliasing, etc.

Also with some tablets shakyness/wobblyness is just a thing that's gonna be there on some strokes, stabalizers might not do much to help depending on how bad it is. If the built in stabalizers don't fix your shakyness you might wanna look into Lazy Nezumi34 which will give you waaayyy more control over your stabilization than the built in features in CSP (and probably the new ones in photoshop)

EDIT: Just so you know I only used Lazy Nezumi very breifly, I've been fine with the CSP stabilizers so I haven't needed to use it, so I haven't purchased it, so I don't use it. But I was VERY impressed by it for the short ammount of time I did.

I also recommend drawing at a fairly higher resolution/size that what you need. I mean, an american comic fits in your hand but is most often done at 11"x17" That will take care of some wobble.

What will also help is to make sure you're doing your best to make fairly quick, confident, strokes.

But both programs currently have a pretty high amount of stabilization built in. In CSP, I tend to keep it on max (via the tool properties box) on my tablet monitor and only half way on my surface pro.

I believe you have to go deep into the setting to get the exact stabilisation that you want.

But with this setting, does it really affect the depth(?) of the lines much? Because with my tablet there's this issue where i'm drawing and the lines aren't 100% percent opacity when I'm making linework and i have to go over it several times. Is this a common issue with a setting to fix or is this just me?

Is your opacity at 100%? What type of pen/brush setting are you using? And does your tablet have pressure sensitivity?

I'm using a surface pro and at first I had to tinker with the pressure sensitivity of my surface pen because I felt like I had to push pretty hard to make full lines. Different brushes have different opacity, so it may just be the brush you're using. To answer your question, I have not had an issue with opacity when using stabilization. I do have a slight issue with lag. I only use high stabilization if I draw slow. Depth is entirely effected by how much pressure I use with the pen and what size brush I am using.