1139 / 1241
Mar 2021

Well, yeah. For me, it is a part of something I was writer-doodling anyway, so no big deal, and I ended up with 450 words. I wouldn’t take time from ONC and WIP to write a new flashfiction.

I need to finish both to get into the editing half of the year.

I just saw the lucky contest so want to brainstorm something for it.

Sometimes I go to DeviantArt to help me get a vision for my writing.

Just posted chapter 12 of my current story Embers. Yay.

On the side I'm writing up a story based on the custom dnd story played with my friends. It's slow progress right now, but making me laugh so much recalling it.

Finally finished my bonus story and I'm so happy with it! Was nice talking a short break from the main story to write a bunch of fluff and a bit of smut in a different setting. Now onto editing the chapter for next week...

Oof, schedule got thrown in the ringer and my writing time had to be cut a bit :sweat_smile: it's quite hard to give the same amount of work on it with less the time but here's to hoping I'll make it!

Currently writing the next chapter and it's been going well so far, hopefully this lasts

Haha, we've all been there. What's your story about?

Here's the description:

Back in middle school, Dana Strawbella and Caden Gerardi were lovebirds. Then, high school hit and they were separated.

Dana is a kind-hearted but shy girl who is on top of the high school social status. Meanwhile, Caden is a ex-popular boy who has been shunned by the popular crowd and is seen as an enemy and outsider.

While cheering at a Friday night basketball game, Dana sees Caden and hopes to reignite their childhood romance.

But when her interest in Caden gets the attention of her peers, she is forced to choose between her popularity and her childhood soulmate.

Shy folks don't normally climb the social hierarchy, but other than that it sounds like a YA high school romance, and the devil is in the details. You need to lay it out as an adventure for the two lovers, decide which one of them is the main character, Dana or Caden, set up their flaws and ways to change etc.

Do you have an idea how you are going to make the story stand out from all the other romance stories like this out here?

I know shy ppl aren't always popular but I didn't want her to be the typical popular girl. She's kinda the shy friend in a friend group but I get all the other things you said.

@MeLovesTacos Actually, One idea could be that I put a modern twist on Romeo & Juliette because Dana is apart of the popular and Caden is seen as the enemy and their love for each other kinda forbidden. Idk Its kinda hard to explain.

In that case you should read up on the original Romeo and Juliet story maybe and pick out specific scenes and characters to pay homage to. (And maybe look at how it's done before by other contemporary romance stories.)

I mean, you don't necessarily need a twist if you're writing just for fun, but it does help in drawing in an audience.

I just hit 200 subs! Yaay! Small victory on my way to 250