20 / 28
Oct 2024
18 days later

Yeah, it's definitely important to learn to see people accurately. Even if at first glance it seems nice to only believe the best of someone, perfection is ultimately impossible, and trouble will come up whenever the veil is pulled from starry eyes

18 days later

I think Riley's perspective of Leia is mostly accurate, but it is a bit extreme. He sees her as his best friend protector and guardian angel, but any time he's mad at her he sees her as a complete and total jerk and bully and he doesn't know why he tries to deal with her. there is no in between.

this is free for everyone to read on my Patreon public posts

16 days later

I can't say that Dominic's view of Essence is very grounded at the start, because it's so limited. The way he sees her at first has everything to do with the initial impression he got of her, and her appearance. He saw her as very regal, almost magical looking, and sexy (cough.) As he develops a sense of what she's like personality-wise, it's fairly accurate, but it doesn't go deep enough. He thinks she's impossible to please, and this is true, but it isn't entirely her choice, but the people who haven't lived in her body or seen the world through her eyes often won't understand how sincere she is about not liking or caring for anything.

12 days later

Essence has a weird form sort of halo effect she casts on everyone, telling herself they are better than she thinks they are, or she needs to be more lenient with them because other people have a much harder time going through life than she does because of yk...emotions. So allowances have to be made for all the ways they treat her like trash.

As for crushes, she doesn't have one, and it would be a spoiler to say whether she ever has had or will have one. The guy she's going out with is Dominic, and everyone sees Dominic pretty accurately to who he is, but with slight leanings to certain extremes depending on how much they like him

She thinks he is very friendly and cheerful, but too passive and non-confrontational.

26 days later
21 days later
16 days later

Christopher George thinks Mora looks like some kind of magical princess, and he's kind of close lol. he loves flowers, so the fact that she has purple spots on her skin is pretty to him, but unfortunately, we probably won't get to read any portion of the story from his perspective.

20 days later

Verner thinks Therese looks like an adorable little frontier woman, especially because her lifestyle seems pretty outdated to most people, making butter, and jam, and bread by hand. Sewing clothes herself, etc. She's the perfect little vintage housewife, but he likes it, and finds her un-glamorous, rustic style whimsical and pretty.

21 days later

We actually get a bit of perspective on how Kattar sees Alicia in some of the chapters of Damsel in the Red Dress revolving around a photo mishap.

Alicia accidentally sent Kattar a picture of her wearing this dress she said was "super boring" but he clearly didn't agree, because a few days later she found he'd set the picture as his phone screen saver. Or maybe it's just the wearer he was interested in lol...

The main character, Vita, in my story views another character Andrew as a weirdo at first. He thinks Andrew is an idiot who puts his heart before his mind, which is very true and bad for a lawyer (lol). Throughout the story Vita learns more about Andrew, and although he is still convinced Andrew is an idiot, he grows to love him.

26 days later



:star2: Destiny calls. Darkness awaits. :star2:

Angel Santiago: Angel is cautious about the motivations of people, but wants to like just about everybody.

Ren Yoshimaru: Ren sees the value in people around him, though can be pretty cold, much like his father.

Marcy Fraser: Marcy is very, very curious about just about everybody. She believes that just about everybody is deeply fascinating.

12 days later

I feel like this is like this comedy sketch I saw once about the"Go-prospective" but sometimes Texas sees Chili as some kind of art taskmaster standing beside her all menacingly and forcing her to strengthen her weaknesses. He's like the art devil. but when art isn't involved he's her favorite person lol

he'd be offended by this assessment of his personality lol

Aleph (ox-man) and Tetora (tiger-man) are two of my favorite OCs to pair up, since they're not exactly compatible, according to the Chinese zodiac.

I think that makes an over-generalization, though:

“So, living with Tetora…” Nora’s gaze drifted to Aleph. “What’s his worst bad habit?”

“Nora!” I gasped, almost swallowing the candy outright.

“What? We have to pass the time somehow!”

“You can’t just gossip and dig up dirt on him the moment his back is turned!”

“It’s exactly the best time!”

“That is a troublesome question to answer…” Aleph frowned. “There are so many bad habits to choose from, yet I don’t know where to start.”

My incredulous eyes shifted to Aleph, and I saw him suppressing a grin. He winked at me and continued. “Perhaps it is that he is forever making a mess, yet he turns a blind eye to it when I tell him it is time to clean. Or that he acts before he thinks. He yells when he speaks for no reason. He argues with his students long after they have proved him wrong just for the thrill of it.”

Nora cackled in sheer delight, and I soon found myself smiling as Aleph continued down the list of Tetora’s shortcomings. It was the typical banter I so desperately needed.

“You two get along, don’t you?” I snuggled up in my bedroll, suppressing a sniffle. “I’m glad you have each other. This world seems tough to deal with if you’re all alone.”

“...I believe no truer words have ever been spoken,” Aleph agreed softly.



:star2: Destiny calls. Darkness awaits. :star2:

A link to your story:

Chili sees Texas as a chaotic muse. She's always entertaining and inspiring to him. Helping her and watching her progress motivates and energizes him, but she's also a muse he can trust to be defiant, and never work with him easily. He'd love to draw her, but as of yet, he has not tried because he KNOWS she would make things difficult for him. Does this look like the face of a demure damsel?

27 days later
21 days later