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May 2021

i personally like them both , i grew up reading dc comics that got me to their movies and i loove marvel movies wich got me to the comics, but what do y'all think is best ?

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Not know about the comics but,

Marvel built up a better cinematic universe with all those characters and stuff. The movies and tv shows are so succesfully linked that keeps the fans so excited about what's going to come next.

DC on the other hand has some very well directed films that not only attracts "superhero fans", like The Dark Night, Joker, Watchmen, V for Vandetta...

So, I'm not saying one is better than another, both have their own strong points.

I'm not deep into the comics or the movies of either side. I'm kind of a guy who just sees both in a casual light, but even so, Marvel wins it for me. I can't exactly pinpoint what it is, but they just seem to get everything right for whatever they wanna do. I can tell that if I ever wanted to get into any of their series, I'd become a fan as well. I'd probably get deep into Spider-Man to start off with, tbh.

And then DC... Real talk, DC just doesn't interest me all that much outside of Batman and Teen Titans. Like on a surface level, everything else they have to offer seem so.. plain. That's probably not the case once you dig into the comics, I'm sure, but yeah.. I'd probably have to be convinced to read anything from them.

I've loved them both since the comics. My general feeling on the comics is that Marvel is better at integrating all their heroes into a consistent universe. DC has some of the most media defining stories ever written. That's definitely carried over into the movies as well. In Marvel, if a street level hero is in space, they are supposed to feel like a fish out of water. In DC, plenty of their street level heroes get dropped into space and just roll with it, no matter their personality.

...yeah, a lot of it probably has to do with the fact that I'm one of the people that wishes Batman would just be a dang noir hero in Gotham, and sometimes a global hero, but rolls his eyes when Batman is making threats at Darkseid like he's somehow more ruthless that Superman and Darkseid doesn't just punt him into the nearest sun.

Then again, I know I have a soft spot for DC because I have a treatment for a radio show I was writing with Martian Manhunter as perpetually shapeshifting agent for Checkmate, stopping alien threats in a show with X-Files vibes, working against the covert dealings of The Master Gardener of Mars' attempts to terraform Earth.

Though the movies pissed me off the last few times with how the Hulk was handled. I'm probably always going to like the comics more. A lot more.

DC seems to have better animated and TV shows while Marvel has better live action movies.

I like both Marvel and DC. I prefer Marvel movies, but DC has the animation supremacy.

I like the Marvel movies and make fun of DC a lot, but I still say I like DC more. I watched Teen Titans as a kid, read a few of the 1980s comics, and decided that Nightwing would be my favorite superhero for the rest of my life. So now I'm just kind of stuck with it.

Static Shock and X-Men Evolution were the first shows that actually got me to care about superheroes since they were right for my age demographic at the time. And over the years I've liked individual shows and movies to come from both.

However, on the comic side, the only one I actively read and buy is Venom. So Marvel won me there.

Whenever I read superhero comics I usually go Marvel. I just like more of the characters. I’ve only watched 4 MCU movies and Wonder Woman so I don’t have much of an opinion about the cinematic universes
But the original Teen Titans show got me into superheroes and I still watch more DC shows than Marvel ones.

DC COMICS FOR MEEEEE!! (At least until recently).

I grew up alot with their comics and animated series, much of which taught me a lot about their worlds and dynamics. Props to shows like Static Shock who's basically a better Miles Morales before Miles was even made. I love him so much.

As for Marvel, its fun. I like Spider-Man alot, and most of my Marvel experience is more with the movies and video games. A lot of Video Games. You ever played X-Men Legends? That shit's really hard, but really fun.

My only gripe with DC currently is that so many of the superheroes they have are mostly relegated to being side-characters or Justice League content (or something relating to the end of the universe/the start of a new... aka a reboot)... even Superman and Wonder Woman fall into that, and they have some deep cosmic lore that is just ripe for new animated series. Heck, did you know Supes has a kid? Jon Lane Kent (aka Superboy). He often teams up with Damian Wayne (Batman's kid, aka the current new Robin) for adventures together. And much like B-Man and Man o' Steal, they get at each other's throats at times... thankfully not to the extent as their dads. I'd love to see an animated series based on those two. The initial Super Sons comic was awesome and would've been great animated. Heck, the Teen Titans has had so many different team members, its like their own version of the X-Men but with Teens. We could easily see a series akin to the original 2003 with new members, or go the X-MEN EVOLUTION route to give it some style.

But its rare to even get that, because Warner's only focus is on live-action content for the CW (which isn't even that good), or Theatrical films (which have been hit-or-miss AND all over the place in terms of what they're trying to do right now. I haven't seen the Snyder Cut of Justice League yet, but if its the last of the Snyderverse before everything's rebooted again, then it'll be a damn good 4 hour ride... and a pain in my ass after may at the 3 hour mark. The last time I felt a movie drag on, its Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and that movie's a pain in my ass both on a story-level and when watching it to actually study the modern SW universe, holy shit.)

I love Batman, but he's gotten so much more than the other heroes that I really, really, really wish we got more animated series from other heroes that rivaled or bettered his works. Batman is awesome and grounded (enough), but I want animated series based on the other heroes. Heck, Wonder Woman deserves a proper series (and should've gotten it since we had TWO WW movies. TWO!!). Plastic Man deserves a comedy series since he had a couple of pretty funny shorts (and Tom Kenny as the P-Man is a perfect combo. But CN denied us that and gave us Teen Titans Go instead...). Even if they don't make something that's a next generation DCAU, at least do something with the other heroes. Superheroes is a popular medium these days, but it feels like only Marvel's the only one that's somewhat taking advantage of it. I'm calling it now... Disney didn't push Marvel to the forefront as it is right now, heroes like IRON MAN and The Guardians of the Galaxy would have been left to the backburner of their long list of heroes that only two people know about.

Warner's had DC for ages now, but it feels like we've been going through the same cycle over and over and over again. Its not wonder Disney and Marvel kinda took over the whole Superhero boom, because (minus a big chunk of exceptions) a lot of their heroes, even obscure ones, get some kind of attention.

The answer is simple for everyone who knows me: DC (specifically the New Gods). The end. :smile:

I don't know much about either, but I've watched more Marvel movies than DC content, so ... I guess marvel movies? Does anyone have any recommendations on where to start when getting into Marvel and DC?

cant decide, both are awesome

but if i have to...

batman is my first love so its dc

I always liked the artwork and never the stories.
I got some DC and Marvel comics for the artwork and I honestly don´t even know which one is from which publisher,
it is both the same for me

I'm more of a DC person but:

DC has an AWESOME animated universe (mostly 90s and early 2000s) shows + Young Justice but the DCEU (movies) don't seem to have this much acclaim except for like, Wonder Woman. (I have only seen like, superman vs Batman haha)
Marvel has better movies (your mileage may vary I know a lot of people hated the direction they went with the MCU)

With DC I really recommend DC Animated Universe + Young Justice! DCAU is really good IMO. From there you can pick a hero \ topic and look up comics about them, that's how I got into Jack Kirby's New Gods.

Okay so for me, it's a mixture.

Marvel I personally think has much more consistently good movies and a more cohesive cinematic universe.
I also generally prefer the tone of Marvel comics as onrunning series because they're more soap opera like with down to earth heroes who live in real places like NYC and LA.
Marvel has two of my all time fave superhero teams; the X-men and the Runaways.

DC though has the superior animated series in my opinion. While X-men evolution was great, it's still just one series, and meanwhile DC has Teen Titans (I don't want to talk about Go), Batman TaS and... Young Justice which are all excellent.
I also personally feel that DC does the better standalone graphic novels. Marvel has had some really epic runs and storylines (Days of Future Past, Spider-geddon, Runaways vol 1), but I can't really name a standalone Marvel graphic novel as strong as The Killing Joke, or Kimi Garcia's Raven.

DC's got the better movies (and also the worst movies ever, but highs and lows are better than mild sauce the whole way). The studio that produces the Dark Knight Trilogy and Aquaman deserves way more praise than it ever gets; for all its faults, Wonder Woman 1984 is way more interesting than it ever had any right to be, and you only get that from DC.

It's also got the better animated series by miles--even at Marvel's best back in the 90s, it really didn't hold a candle to the stuff WB Animation was cranking out consistently for 15 years straight. I did like a lot of those Lionsgate-era Marvel animated movies, but those once again were nowhere near as good as the DC stuff (even if the more recent DC animated movies are pretty weak to me).

With the comics themselves, it's tougher. Marvel has the better characters, for sure; they change and grow over time, and live normal human lives most of the time. There's (usually) only one universe we're dealing with, and that allows for even lower-profile characters to change and grow over time... usually. Marvel's Ultimate Comics line from 2000-2015 was one of the best shared universe runs ever, even if it got shot in the knees halfway through by editorial. Give me Spider-Man any day of the week, and I'll gladly follow his life (not just his heroing).

DC, though, has the best worldbuilding, overarching cosmic stuff. The giant multiverse nonsense stuff, with god-like characters and god-like threats to match... The Geoff Johns Green Lantern run in particular does an amazing job at highlighting the absolute vastness of the DC comics world, and the relative lack of real-world grounding helps the stories lift into crazy territory really easily. Multiversity by Grant Morrison is the stuff of legends, even if it sort of requires a bachelor's degree in comics to fully grasp.

For individual storylines, I also have to give it to DC. Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man is one of my favorite comic runs of all-time, but there is no single story arc that I would really say is in my top of the top. And while the big epic events like Civil War and Siege and Secret Wars are always filled with nice moments, they're never quite enough as standalone stories. DC, on the other hand, made me like Hawkman with the Hawkworld graphic novels and that accomplished a feat I never even thought possible.

I guess if we're tallying it up, it goes to.... DC? Wow, that surprises me.