1 / 90
Mar 2021

I don't know about everyone else, but I tend to make a playlist of 5-10 songs that fit the mood for any big projects I work on. So, to promote your work, pick out ONE song that fits it best! No explanation, no description, just link the song and others can choose which ones to look at based on the songs they like.

My song would be "Wasted Youth" by Bonnie McKee (feel free to ignore the visuals in the music video :joy:):

Looking forward to seeing some new music and new series!

Spirit in the Sky by Keiino

This music is one of one of my favorites bands and i think it works:

Since my comic is about what we pass on to others, and about how we decide to deal with those traits and dangers. Daydreamer by Young the Giant serves pretty well. With lyrics about losing precious time, and about the desire to communicate in spite of ourselves. Particularly it's statement about erasure, literally forgetting these "important" moments that distract you from what actually matters.

I uh, also have an entire "Unofficial Soundtrack" playlist for my novel, heh: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3CROuDFhfRs0XcrYFKvINt?si=uT2QvBkXR0CVlk6xnMsEWQ

I reach for this one a lot, though.