52 / 139
Aug 2021

Name: Joe Flamingo
Age: 26
Hair: Weird, Hair colour: Pink and black
Height: slightly tall
weight: on the scrawny side
Likes: Alcohol, his Moped and his over sized knife
Dislikes: Authority
Skills: Fighting, getting under people's skin, solving puzzles/ mysteries

Name: Sherlock Larson
Age: 34 actual, 24 physical(does not age)
Hair: Raven black messy/ curly hair.
Height: 5' 11''
Eye color: Cerulean
Build: Lean/ athletic
Likes: Beatrice, Mina, Jay, and reading(especially Sherlock Holmes)
Dislikes: SANCTUARY, DEUCE and the Technocytes that follow him, people who cause others unjust suffering.
Personality: Kind, introverted, soft-spoken, can be a bit unhinged due to traumatic experiences.

Would do the other 3 but only have some sketches for Jay and am still working on the youngest of the group, Minas' design and I don't want to post their info without having any illustrations for those two yet.

Name: Cornchip
Status: Holey and hungry
Hair Colour: yellow orange
Gender: unknown
Favourite Food: corn chips, comic strip panels
Personality: Sassy, silly, obtuse, not much of a consumer

Here's mine :

Name : Charlie
Age : 20
Sexuality : Gay
Hair color : black
Gender : male
Fav : white, blue gray colors / cheese fries / meeting new people
Personality : kind, shy (sometimes), loves eating, got a few trust issues

Name: Aina Savonet
Age: 21 years
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Relationship Status: In one
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Job: Scavenger (for now [spoilers, darling])
Skills/Talents: Good memory, competent fighter, can read/speak Elvish (B1 level), just about able to ride a horse, works well under pressure
Personality: Caring, conscientious, tenacious, inquisitive, but also kinda done with this whole "end of the world" thing

I have the same two main characters for all my stories, but it's fun how they differ from story to story while staying true to their personalities. First is for "Going Up" slice of life humor comic, second is for "The Death and Him" which is fantasy.

Name: Andrew "Andy" Andelswitz / Andrew of Andel
Relationship status Married to, engaged to or dating Baxtor C.H. Hunt / Married to Yar the Restorer to whom he was given as a gift.
Sexuality : bisexual
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Personality: hyperthimic, tries to do good things but that "good" doesn't always align with what's generally considered good, may be too light-headed and idealistic, asymmetrically skilled (excels in one area while fails in another completely).

Name: Baxtor Carlyle Hearthold-Hunt / Ba, the God of Death, * breath in * the second Fundamental after Life itself, the ruler of the Underworld, the Tzar of Endless Plane and Ocean above it. * breath out *
Relationship status Single
Sexuality : ???
Height: 6 feet 3 inches, but floats to appear taller than he actually is.
Personality: hot-headed, tries to mask soft side with aggression and toxic behavior, loves books, takes offense to being seen not in a way he wants to be seen.

Check your link, it is showing page not found everything I click. For now I subbed to the series which looked most similar to the one shown above.

Will do!

Name: Jaime Alvaro
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight (???)
Relationship Status: Taken
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5:10
Personality: Nervous, shaky, romantic, loyal, loves nature!

Name: Jade Sinclair
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Taken
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5:6
Personality: Outgoing, determined, confident, flighty, unfocused, 'fun' loving.

Here's a link!