6 / 17
Oct 2019

So I have been all over skillshare learning about social media and marketing for artist. I have learned a lot of stuff but most of the classes are geared towards illustrators not necessarily webcomic artist. Still I am following their advice and started a YouTube channel. The only thing I could think of is to jump on the speed paint bandwagon. I don’t have any trailers for my webcomics or anything.

So if you have a YouTube channel what to you post specificity on the topic of your webcomic? Or do you use it for general art blogging? Also feel free to drop a link!

  • created

    Oct '19
  • last reply

    Dec '22
  • 16


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  • 14


  • 28


  • 20


My youtube channel focuses on vocaloid content, which means my videos are english subs for songs I've gotten permission to repost.

I kinda forgotten that I have one. I only post some quick speedpaint (time-lapse actually) videos, but not that often.

I have a Youtube I don't really update any more. There are a bunch of old Let's Plays on there, plus some art tutorials and uploads of old D&D streams I DM'ed:

But I'm probably better known as one of the admin of the VO group, Voxus (Voice Over Nexus), where I voice fabulous space vampire Kanaya Maryam in the most popular project by the group, Let's Read Homestuck (as well as minor characters, I also help choose which music tracks go in episodes, that kinda thing).

Honestly, I should probably get back into making more video content, mainly because people really like my voice, hahahaha :laughing:

I occasionally post animatics!! They take several weeks to make so they don't get made often, but once I'm un-busy (aka after next week, 2nd quarter exams are next week and i'm in giant CRUNCH MODE for all of my schoolwork), I'll probably start work on an animatic for my comic!

I post animations, song covers, fandubs and will post gaming vids sometimes

Speed paints. My old videos included con uploads and pet videos from before youtube allowed videos longer than 10 minutes. I'm a super old youtube user. If I'm going to go serious into it, I'd likely have to make a new channel and I really just don't care to right now.


I have a Youtube channel for my side art and tend to plug that into social media and the comics on the comics sites alone. Occasionally I'll plug a comic into sm but not often. For the Youtube, yeah, it's speed paints of side art pieces because I personally like those. It's here if anyone's interested since you mentioned people could link. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-TtxvhQJB88IHIN9CcPtmQ/videos2?

So speed paints seem to be popular for artist. Glade my research is leading me down the right road.

I have no skill for animation, but it’s cool that others have that skill in their pocket.

You can also approach Youtube as a search engine, and with that mentality, try making tutorials on things you're confident in if you like. It seems to be the other big thing Youtube Artists do and tutorials seem to be what a lot of people actively look for on there in terms of art : x either for drawing or for the software they use.

Youtube has been a lot of fun so far for me. Granted, I don't think I have structure enough to do tutorials of any kind, however, I love doing speed paints and animatics! I've even done my comic trailers there and that's been a ride and a half too lol. I say good on you for getting your speed paints out there, I loved the depth of color you were able to achieve in your piece. Gave it a summery glow! :smiley: I'd say whether you wanted just to do speed paints or tutorials, just so long as you find the thing that makes you happiest to do, it's worth it. :slight_smile:

Here's some of the shenanigans I get up to on youtube. I'm only choosing a handful of my personal favorites because I have a lot of vids and I don't wanna overload the place. ;>.>


Speed Paints:


1 month later

I worked as a you tube channel manager for a design studio and the first way to go is drawing time lapse- looks good, interesting, educational, fast. We did in depth guides on creating 3d-2d drawings but these never got views of the lapses.
The reviews of others' works will do as well, don't require much work but it is a slippery slope.
And after you figured out the content be sure to research Youtube seo tricks, here's a good place to start https://backlinkvalidator.com/tools/youtube_tags_tools.php2

3 years later

I post animatics, animations, speedpaintings and sometimes also videos where I talk about my animation process etc.
Not all videos on my Youtube Channel have to do with my comic, but a lot feature characters from it.
At the moment I´m focusing on Youtube shorts, because they´re pretty quick and easy to make and get a lot more reach than my regular videos (+ you can repost Reels from Instagram or Tiktoks on Youtube and vice versa).
When it comes to Shorts I either use trending sounds to tell a little story/joke featuring my comic characters (those often are animated or an animatic, so they take a little longer to make) or use sounds thar are for promoting your artwork/ showing a wip of something you´re working on (super quick and easy to make).