29 / 49
Nov 2023

I reuse backgrounds all the time! I usually have to make tweaks to fit each strip, but having an old background to reference is helpful.

The 3D Models in CSP are absolute time savers in helping me get references for the more complicated scenes in BLACK OUT. Additionally, it pretty much just helps me skip the whole process of sketching out and figuring out anatomy since I do give myself the time crunch of finishing and getting a chapter out each month. Despite that, I don't exactly use 3D models for EVERYTHING.

(Here's one example that I didn't use 3D models for)

Yo, I did something similar when UBERNATURA was a comic.. Not this exact handpose, but depending on how the character was feeling (despite their personality) they'd do a specific hand pose

Also eyes are based on one's nature, and not on their emotion so faces don't have to go through a lot to portray emotion

This is such an efficient way of doing things. I myself have a basic color pallete for the entirety of trespasser saved as swatches in my Photoshop, and use a seperate document for specific scenes to always have all the basics at the ready when I need it. Really speeds up the process.

Livesavers these things! I have even gone as far as editing shortcuts I would always accidentally fatfinger haha. The amount of times I started typing text instead of rotating my canvas is inumerable.The text tool is no longer bound to T but to H instead.

People able to design their scenes so they can reuse backgrounds make me jealous.

Honestly, if your sketches are clear enough to serve as lineart, why the hell not go for it! Also creates a nice loose/dynamic style in my experience.

3D model gang rises up once again. 3D modeling has been such a Godsend, makes my life so much easier.

I feel seen!

For Photoshop users:

1) if you spin your canvas round a lot like I do, clicking the crop button once orients it upright again.

2) you can animate GIFs for your comic in Photoshop - like this

For Cintiq users: invest in an Express Key Remote and assign commands to each button for much faster working speed. I can't work without it now.

For general digital artists:

1) if what you're drawing doesn't look right (especially at the linework stage), cover it up with a layer of white, reduce the opacity and trace the whole thing again. I find this helps highlight problem areas and can make the drawing more cohesive stylistically. It's is also good for warm-ups.

2) Drawing on an enormous canvas can reveal qualities in your brushes you may not have noticed while using them on a smaller one.

Crop to reorientate has been such a Godsend in my workflow, that I've set up C as a shortkey to reset rotation in pretty much any program that will allow me to do it.

Ugh same, I cannot live without expresskeys anymore. I'm also lucky to have one of the older Cintiq models that still had the expresskey build into the device itself. I'm so sued to them by now, that when I start working in a new company one of the first things I do is import my wacom settings to the worktablet haha.

Same, I'm completely wed to the cintiq + EK remote. I've thought about moving to an iPad pro but I can't imagine lifting my pen off to use gestures like a savage. :joy:

I bought an ipad pro and I barely use it.
The feeling of the pen on my xpen 22e is so much better than the apple pencil
on the ipad. I had a Wacom companion some years ago and the ipad is much worse

I literally spin my canvass around. I use a Dell Inspiron 16 (it's a 2-in-1 with a fantastic screen) for drawing , and I fold it up as a tablet, select "rotation lock", and then flip it all over the place as I'm drawing

The invincible comic used to use the same pic a few times to add some emphasis to scenes or show thinking. I always thought it was pretty clever

I don't take many shortcuts simply because I love the hand drawn feel however for buildings I draw them once and insert the image of the building into any bus I can use it for

I like doing animation style panels especially in conversations. Body language is a huge part of a characters personality.

The shortcut is now I can reuse backgrounds multiple times.

If it works it works right :laughing:

I can respect that. There is something about the act of creating itself that just feels so satisfying to do.

I love this, now yor panels aren't just part of a comic book anymore, they have become animation keyframes!
That's one thing that helped me to determine the poses in panels, I started to treat them like the keyframes of animation.

19 days later

I copy and paste my backgrounds when possible :smug_01: I also make then very blurry when they aren’t important, so you don’t focus on them and I don’t have to put details in :wink:

Also using multiply layers for shadows helps a lot.

12 days later

I'm just now learning to reuse backgrounds; it saves SO MUCH TIME!

Wish I thought of that before​:sob::sob::sob:

Also I have a face/personality set burned into my memory. I don't have to always try to come up with every detail of a character because of personality types and how each has a matching face to go with it. Less thinking, more OC!

I used to write down every single step of what I wrote, but after a lot of work... and I mean a lot. I can mostly do all the pre-planning for a writing gig in my head. I only write it down if the job asks for it.

1 month later

I had a set of head poses for the head to the side, to the front, and facing some other direction, so I could copy/paste one of those heads into any scene and draw the face onto it.

I guess you might call it a shortcut that I occasionally skip the line art and just do my drawing in color from start to finish.

I have too many to even start listing them. Everything from ignoring hair in roughs (block it in then finish in the inks), to drawing certain hand poses. The one that saves the most time is shading. Color everything with flats to the colors wanted. Create a layer above that layer and call it shadows. Block off the area that are in shadow and fill with dark blue (almost black, but never use black.) Then just slide the opacity down to 70-80% depending on the deepness of the shadow. Instant true shadow color.
All of the shadows were created this way. Takes minutes and you don't have to remember your color theory classes to figure it out.