15 / 36
Jun 2022

Ohh I did the same yesterday, told myseld I'd finish a page but spent few hours on youtube instead :sweat_02: 1.5 hour long movie? No, I cannot waste my time. 3 hours of 5-minute long videos? Yes, please!
Go draw and send us wips :smiley:

Yessss we can be productivee the day is not overrr!!
Fighting!! :hype_01::two_hearts:

Wait.. you painted your balcony?? Damn you're already productive :doggo_shook:

Yesssss!! I gottaaaa~
If I finally get some work done I'll see u on Sketch a Day :hohoho:

Omg you read my mind tho, I was on youtube.. damn :smile_01:

Omg of course I know youuu!! :two_hearts:
I was even your Christmas chibi partner :hohoho:
But we met on the previous chibi project, right? I think it was the one you created?? :thinking:

Also of course Sketch a Day, wow I was gonna shortened it but it's SAD :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
How you doing?? Any projects soon?? ^^

We all know that painting a balcony and drawing birthday presents is not something I should be productive about :joy:

Omg Sketch A Day is SAD :rofl: story of every artist's life lololol

Yeah, definitely - would recognize your avatar or your artwork just from Sketch a Day (which I guess I'll call the SAD Club now :cry_swag: lmfao) but also remember you posted some before and after character art that is super amazing!

I feel that too - recognizing people, getting really excited if I saw their art somewhere in the wild or if they got a staff pick or whatnot, but usually decide communicating is too hard and go back to my drawing tablet :cry_01:.

Just getting started with the day over here, finally get to work on just thumbnail sketches and my precious lineart - so happy. Hope yours is going great!

Lol! I kinda like that acronym. We can be SAD together. :sweat_02::cry_swag:

I just returned from a weeks vacation so getting used to drawing again. :smile_01:

I don’t have any projects planned (other than my comic) but I’d like to draw something for @DualDragons comic anniversary.

Yes, I remember you! I don't frequent the Sketch a Day thread and I don't think we've actually talked, but I think I remember seeing you in the 'Assume something about one another's OCs' thread? I defs saw you more than once and idk when the first time was :stuck_out_tongue: I also have an OC with the same name as one of yours, so I also remember you for that XD

I remember when you provided many fun quizs in the forum and I participated some. :slight_smile:

Ahahaha I can't with the SAD club :rofl: that acronym is perfect.

Hiya! I remember you from the SAD Thread (lol :joy:) and when you used to make OC template/sheet threads around the forums. I think we first interacted in this thread.

Hope you're doing well :smile:

Sssshhh you're more productive than me :joy: :joy: :joy:

SAD Club Forever!!! :cry_swag: :cry_swag: :cry_swag:

Awwww thank youuu!! When I'm stuck, I always trust your help tho hhahahha
Thanks again and again for the skirts hahah

Also, yeah, sometimes it can be awkward to say hi but I really wanted to make a space for that cause I really really adore and respect your arts (all of you tbh, people who've written in this thread so far)
And I do see most of you as my seniors regarding the art and being a comic artist. So I hope we can all stay in touch ^^

My day's been good btw, (tho I didn't finish any work lol)

Ooooh~ Show me your OC!!
I'm wondering which of my characters share a name with yours ^^

Btw I definitely know your avatar, idk if we talked either but I'm pretty sure we liked each others posts ^^

Awww!! Yesss my fun-templatesss!!
Wooow they're sooo old thoo~ I'm so happy someone remembers them :cry_01:

Btw I definitely know you, I remember liking a lot of your posts and comments ^^

SAD omg :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Btw I definitely remember you from your name!!

Awwww this makes me emotionall :cry_01:

Oh I'm much much better, completely healed!! Good as new ^^ It's so sweet you remember the thread!! :cry_01::two_hearts:
How about you how are you??

Eyy you remember me :smiley: As for my OC:

Blond guy with the green coat in the bottom-right, that's my Seth :smiley: (Full name is Joe-Seth Janczarski, so not exactly the same name as your Seth, but yeah :P)

Great to hear you're completely healed! I can't imagine how it must've felt, so I'm glad you're doing much better. :yellow_heart:

Aw. Tbh I do miss your OC templates, they always look fun. :grin: Oh I'm doing alright, been trying to cramp all the comic/art stuff into my working schedule. It hasn't been easy, but we'll get there :wink: