27 / 47
Aug 2021

I thought it was the VPN site Hahahahaha. Thanks for another map making site!

Edit: If I get caught playing with food, My parents would whack me so I'll just try the site hahahahaha.

Wow, that's pretty good ! I'll use this !

Also a good thing if your story takes place in a modern setting, I suggest using whatever games or tools you have to create the interiors and then use them as drawing references to get the furniture and perspective right with minimal amount of effort and maximal amount of fun. I made my MC's flat in the Sims and I can't wait to start using it for my comic !

Also, self promoting.

If you like endearing characters, mystery and investigation with teenagers, you'll be in for a little ride !

Ohh, you're also in the process of designing your map? Must be nice, I'm still trying to think of how to shape the land Hahahahaha.

yes! they're usually pretty rough since i only sorta know what i'm doing but it's usually a combo of overall world maps (if needed) and then regional/area maps to keep track of specific areas in a given location. personally i like it because it helps with consistency plus makes knowing where to put things in a drawing easier.

i'd love to do rough builds in like minecraft or blender if i could but i worry about spending to much time on prep work like that than actual production

In fantasy worlds, I think it's always comfortable to make a map, even if you just make a simple one for you. I made this one, for example:

I tell you for sure this is really helpful, so the world makes sense. I also wrote the name of the places in demonic (the comic's fantasy language) and in my language (catalan), so I remember how everything is called in both idioms

You could try the stuff they're recommending above. I'd love to try rough builds as well but I still can't decide what kinda shape I even want Hahahahahaha

That looks good! I think if I'm going to make a map I'd start with something simple like that then go on to more complex ones as time progresses.

Sims is such a great idea!!!!
I play The Sims 4 (+plus have all the current DLCs) and I think this will help me a lot!!
Thank you~ ^^

I hear that. Seems it'll take me quite some time before I can decide on it. I still have to finish another chapter after all Hahahahaha

Create a place out of imagination-- is pure joy to me. Especially when myself(or readers) can feel the ground and the surroundings, even better when one can regconize that corner is which area, or that corner... It's like open world games where you know your home base.

My story place happens in a remote fantasy setting-- From the highland to the lower altitude hills. The biggest i've drawn for my series was a regional map within 10 miles between two locations.

I also have a village map/blueprint in the long-term making but still not quite ready (in 4th draft). The series is still too early to show any map yet.

Don't think too much about it, just starting making it inside out and erase whatever you feel it's not right. I have been working on the story for a few years now, but only recently sat down to work on maps.

I might just try that. Once I get annoyed Hahahahahaha. For now, I kinda want to plan a little meticulously.

Right now it's like a nightmare for me cause I can't imagine what I really want Hahahahaha. I think it's a little too early for me to show the map (If I do finish one) as well but I'm definitely putting it in my Novel someday.

More often than not, make a map. Doesn't have to be super high quality, but it needs to be enough to reference back to for myself. Basic floor plans for interiors, especially ones used often, just to know where things are relative to a scene. If I intend to explore an area, I usually map it out. Helps me plan out shots and compositions.