that's okay I mean I'm on my mid 20's but my IRL friends doesn't know about my gay comic lmao
I keep mine privately, because I'm really shy showing them my work.
the only person who knows about my comic is my fiance, even though I make BL , he still supports me,
though everytime I try to tell him a scenario about my work, he always make faces, lmao
Depends on the friend.
Some friends I can tell just fine. No issues.
Other friends I will not tell them, because if I tell them, every other fucking day I'll be getting messages from them along the lines of
sends really bad jokes or script "You can draw this for me right????? I see it going viral/BIG!"
"You know if you're ever looking for ideas for comics to draw I got THOUSANDS of them I can sell to you."
"Can you put my character in your comic?? Not as a background character, needs to be a main character, I just think you're story will be better if my character is in it proceeds to send me 500 page backstory on said character
"Ever think about publishing a MANGA?? I got the perfect script, think Promare, crossed with Attack on Titan, and then some Yuri on Ice to top it off It'll be bigger than Naruto. We'll make millions, 50/50 split."
"Have you ever thought about drawing FANFICS???? I think my fanfics will make GREAT comics!"
And like... I know these requests happen online too, but when you know a person IRL, they are FAR more pushy. I don't know if it's because they know an actual artist in real life or what but it is the most draining thing to deal with.
Then if I ignore them because they will not take no for an answer, (but only when they make those requests) I'm the one who's the asshole for ghosting them and being a bad friend.
If my mom tells her friends that I draw comics, they will start harassing her with this same messages to send to me or they will add me on facebook and send me these requests. But it'll be so fuking out of touch like
"God gave you a gift, he wants you to draw comics for god I have the perfect script for you."
And it's like "Mam, I am not Christian and I draw gay comics to match my gay personality. Please find someone else to draw your bible comics for you."
Hi Guys, Thanks all for sharing your experience here. It really encourage me to be more opened up ( to selected people).
I planned to tell my group of best friends later.
@FritzC Not young anymore, In my home country. Since I'm mom and wife. ahahaha..
But I do feel young now I live in US.
Anyway, For sure I can't tell to mom's group or my son teacher for example. That probably will be awkward.
If I tell my extended family, it will be "if your sons/daughters read comic? I make one". So, I don't think I can do this one yet too.
Ps. regardless the success of comic, glad to know Tapas forum.
Its my full time job so it has to come up in conversations when i meet people (the classic “what do you do for a living?”) and i wish it didnt! I hate explaining what i do and the forced response of “id love to read your work!” and only maybe 3% of people ever actually mean it and its just sooo uncomfortable. The worst is when people understand that it means i have a social media presence so they ask to see my Instagram or whatever RIGHT THERE.... so uncomfortable
I used to try to just say im an illustrator and try to avoid that whole line of questioning and discomfort but then it leads to “what type of illustration?” and circles right back to me having to say “i draw comics/im a cartoonist”
I'm 28 and I tell my friends, peers, and family. I've put too much time into this to care if they think "i'm too old". Some of the best creators of our time have been older. You're doing something 99% of people can't or won't do, so why worry about what they think? If they think your too old, will it make you want to stop creating? If it does think about why you create and why you like to create. Cause if you create for yourself, then all you will have is passion and love for your products that others thoughts won't matter, at least as much.
Some family supported me, others didn't, but I still did it and I still do it, cause it is what makes me happy and if they have a problem with what I do then...unless they gonna pay my bill when I make it big (lol) Then they can either shut up or get out of my life.
TLDR : It doesn't matter what your friends and family think cause it's your passion and your happiness. You can find better friends and craft a supportive family.
@cortezlord96 Thanks for the article. That's really motivates me.
After read everyone posts, it depend on situation & preferences that a person makes a choice to speak up or not.
one path might good for ones, but not for another.
Regardless to speak up or not, I can see all the people here have strong passion for what they do and proud people, for that I respect.
Ah no, I don't tell friends or family about my comic.
- Because I don't have any friends.
- The mass majority of my family members are racist, bigoted, "Christian" fanatics... and my comic features LGBT+ characters, and subjects they're too dumb to comprehend. (mental health mostly.)
My mom and a cousin know, but they're both pretty chill, and generally show no interest in it. My mom's lack of interest being she thinks it's porn, and my cousin's lack of interest being he's a fine artist who just doesn't understand comics. The only time the rest of my family will ever see my comic is when I get the printed version ready, and launch a Kickstarter for it. I'll be advertising on a lot of sites I'm apart of, although I will be very upfront about not wanting trashy bitches to read my comic. A.K.A: Any bigot family member who will be a pain in the ass, acting like a bratty child over the story's content.
If I heard that my mom or dad made a comic I would be extremely interested, and genuinely flabbergasted. Both my parents know nothing about comics, with my dad not even being interested in art. He sees it as a product to sell rather than... well, art.
I will literally tell any person who will keep eye contact with me that I have a web comic. If they are within 10ft of me, they will find out I have a comic. I'm proud of my work, and I'm happy to show it to literally anyone who will bother to listen. My comic is LGBT, but I'm gay myself so if they dislike my art being gay, well that's just one more person for me to avoid all together!
At first, I was very selective about who I told, but once I started releasing it on the web it just seemed like a free for all and so I went why not tell everyone. I sent a message to pretty much everyone I know to let them know I have a comic now and that they should check it out if they like fantasy comics with lots of diversity and body positivity with the cover and banner card that had my social media om it lol.
Some folks responded excited, some ignored it, and a few looked at it, but it wasn't their jam so they went on about their day, but you never know how people will truly react if you don't try them (unless you are making a comic that covers topics you know would make them uncomfortable).
Sure, although I may leave the content vague lol. Everyone laughs at me for my love of vampires, so I usually tend to leave that part out, and just call it a mystery. I believe from your initial post, it sounds as if you draw for a living. I personally find that cool as hell, but I know that if you’re not the author of a well-known comic, it could be a bit underwhelming. When I first said as a kid that I wanted to be an artist, my family said I’d have to die before anyone would recognize my art (super supportive, guys...). So I drew as a hobby only, but always dreamed of being able to do it for a living. I’m picking it back up, although still as a hobby for now. I hope maybe more can come of it.
But tl;dr I do tell them. Just might leave some details out lol