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May 2024

Damsel in the Red Dress

Mrs. Moon used to have a cat named white Sphinx cat named Calla (she would never endure any animal that sheds.)

Melissa has a huge ebony shepherd named Clifford (after Clifford the Big Red Dog.)

Kattar would love to have a little black kitten, but he'd need a bigger space. Also he'd absolutely die if his cat got into his clothes or bed and his apartment, and cats cannot be tamed.

Alicia is also a cat person, for obvious reasons. She likes dogs a lot too, but she can't keep any pets right now, when she has a hard enough time caring for herself. She'd feel bad neglecting the animal.


Leia has a cat named Lord Licorice. I have too much fun writing him XDD.

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    Nov '24
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Yes, kindda, after she was crowned on the west, she inherited some 5000 10m wide beasts...

Daecon was always too much of a party animal to have any pets. Since he has integrated into shapeshifter society he doesn't have one because having pets are uncommon with the shapeshifters (they can shift into animals, they don't need to keep them). That said, there are many semi-tame feral cats and dogs in the colony, and those animals come and go as they please. Shapeshifters are capable of rudimentary conversation with cats and dogs, but the conversations must be very basic. I guess the easiest way to explain it is that the shapeshifters do not like the idea of "owning" an animal since they, themselves are animals, but they do appreciate their company. I should also note that there are Shapeshifter farmers and ranchers, and they raise cattle, pigs, chickens, and others just like humans do. Many shapeshifters do eat a lot of wild meat, though, since birds of prey and predatory animals are common alternate forms.

As for Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days, the MC (me) is a big dog and cat lover and has always had pets. Here are the current ones:

Layla, a Cane-corso/Shepherd mix. One hundred pounds of pure stupid. Extremely high energy, even though she's 11 years old:

Olivia, who is in her seventeenth year:

Ooh, Layla is so cute. And heavy. 100 pounds?

In "Lyra's Magnum Opus", Tetsu's mom has a black, long haired cat named Cocoa Bean who's very old. Cocoa Bean is full baby, loving to be rubbed on the belly and going into kitty loaf pose on people, especially when Sana is laid on the couch not feeling well. During an earthquake, she gets scared and runs under Tetsu's parents' bed. His mom then proceeds to baby talk to her. Everyone treats Cocoa Bean like this. It's just an extension of how loving Tetsu's family is.

Lol. But I'd never heard of that dog breed so I didn't know they got that heavy. sounds hard to walk. my little mutt was only like 30 pounds if that, but she was too strong for our good.

I don't know that I would call them pets, but Fia has a rather loyal group of animal companions consisting of a pack of death-wolves, a death-mare, and a death-crow :thinking: And then there's Eli and the dragons....

so i'm assuming adding death to the beginning of real animal names makes this a species variant?

Mmm, pretty sure pets have to be something you have to keep from dying

Yeah, Jasmine's the WORST doggo. If all dogs go to heaven, they'd make an exception for Jasmine. Duke, on the other hand, is a big borfer who's made of slobbery kisses and floof. :heart_eyes: