82 / 83
Oct 2024

No, not quite. It's based on chimaerism/chimera process where the organisms fuse together early in development (in the cases of animals and humans)

You know for someone who has pet cats I rarely give my characters any pets :sob: And now it’s got me thinking, are Butter Bees technically pets?! They’re sort of different because they are piece of their respective person’s soul and spirit, but also it can’t speak to you in your language and you have to take care of it like a pet… soul pets maybe?

Miss Butter and her aptly named “Butter Pupa”.

And Blip is a lovable pet too! It's so funny because he doesn't have like a super readable expression human-wise but his personality still shines through xD BLIP!

Haha yeah Blip's a real tricky character to draw expressively. He's basically just a can with a googley eye and 4 spiderlegs :laughing:

Good to see I manage to get it through though!

my characters used to not have pets either, even though I've owned two cats and three dogs in my life. It's only recently that I started including them XD, and they're usually just cats and dogs, though two of my Ocs own a parrot named 'Mu'

Greetings! Sir Kiljaos the lion paladin, the main character of my comic Karamador, has a horse named Stormblåst.

Also San the lynx cleric has a horse too named Fjaer.

Anima the vixen princess also has a dog named Tog, though we haven't seen him in the comic just yet.

When my brother was little he carried a stuffed animal kitty wherever he went and he just called it “Kitty” :sob: sometimes the name is just what it is lol

Same I’ve had three cats! And my friends have all had pets too, like dogs or cats and sometimes even lizards. I think in my stories a lot of my characters travel so they don’t have the resources to take care of a pet even if they really wanted a little fuzzy dude around :joy:

In Butter Bee, besides the butter bees, I have planned to give two siblings a pet cat named Meatball who turns out to be able to speak and then another character named Ghee will have a flying cat named Margarine.

My little sister had a teddy bear that was just named bear for years lol. Now it's named George. Also Margarine is a fun name for a cat. Seems like we both like food names for pets

I think I do name most of the cats across my stories as food :sob: I have a calico named Carrot and a tortie named Potato. But then I do have one cat just generically named Socks lol. (In fiction of course my irl cats have different names)

No, I knew you were talking about the stories lol. In my stories I have a cat name Snickers, one named Pudding, and one named "Lord Licorice." I love writing pets for my characters, but for some reason most of them are cats. a few aren't named after foods though, like Calla the cat (named after the Calla Lily) and Clifford (named after Clifford the big red dog)


Here's one of them...

Good doggie... :dog2:

I´m surprised none of mine has any pets, I´ve been here thinking and I have nothing, maybe in my next work I´ll give one to the protagonist

Of course. My character Laveda has a Slime named Bibi, who travels with Laveda outdoors using a teddy bear.

11 days later

I totally forgot, Mick has a cat too. His name is Snickers

this picture is old an awful now but this was his original character design sheet