7 / 34
Jul 2017

No problem!

When it comes to drawing, you just have to draw a lot and embrace the mistakes you make. Everything is a learning experience. But there are a tonne of people in these forums that can give far better, practical, tried-and-true advice.

The website isn't very difficult to learn. Really, you can just click around and get to know it.

Hello! :smiley: Im a new writer on here too! I cant draw for anything but writing is fun and so is this site.

Writing is a lot of fun, and I'm enjoying what this site has to offer so far. I especially love reading the comics. Thanks so much for responding to me! What genre do you write?

Hi guys! I'm writing too. I'd try to draw, but my hands shake really bad so using words is easier for me. :slight_smile: It's been really nice finding a site where I know people are reading what we all put out!

Hey there! Thanks for responding to me =)

It is nice to know that people enjoy our writing. I didn't have the best luck on the last writing site I was on, so I'm hoping things will be better here.

What genre do you write?

I'm writing a romance/mystery set in rural Vermont that tells the story of a witch who breaks a werewolf free of a mind control spell, and the two work together to solve the mystery behind the mind controlled werewolves. Both characters are women and they do wind up together by the end of the story. No "because we need angst!!" death here!

Kudos to you for writing mystery! That's a hard genre to write in. I don't think I could write a mystery for anything. I wish you best on your writing journey =)

Right now I'm posting two stories on here. My one story is about mermen and mermaids =) It's about a black woman in the 18th century that gets brought to the undersea world.

My second story is about a girl who was turned into a unicorn, but she doesn't know how or why? Basically, she loses her memory and has to find a way to regain her body back.

Both stories are fantasy.

That's so true! When I draw, I try not to beat myself up over the little things.

Thanks for the advice, and I'll check out more of the forums.

Hi, welcome here!

I’m a writer, too, but I struggle too much with English to share any story here. It’s also easier for me to read webcomics but sometimes I give a try to written stories on Tapas.

I can’t draw, I’m too bad at it to be interested in improvement plus I don’t enjoy it. But years ago, I made a friend who draws and so we started a webcomic together. I made my way on Tapastic by becoming a scritptwriter. It’s not the same thing as writing a whole story but it’s really funny too.

I hope you find readers here, your stories seem interesting! I love mystery, romance and fantasy so I might try to read it :slight_smile:

Same! :smiley: Im in love with these comics and I put a lot in my library so when I have time I can just read them :heart: I actually try and write every genre but Im known for Horror, Fantasy and "Weird"

Hello, another just-writer checking in :smiley:
I'm in talks with a couple of artists to turn one of my books into a comic, which I'm super excited about, but it's been a very slow process so far. I'm certainly no artist, however!

I'm hoping to find some readers here on Tapas, but it does seem to be very comic centered. Then again, the novel feature on here is still fairly new.

Hey there!

I'm trying Tapas hoping to get readers, too, but so far I haven't had much luck, but yeah, their novel feature is still new.

That's so neat turning your story into a comic. What's your story about?

The elevator pitch is that it's about a girl who goes on a summer cruise, and ends up finding out she's a witch. But there's a vampire on board feeding from the other passengers, so she and the other paranormal beings she meets have to fight/stop him!

Here's a link1 if you're at all interested. What's yours about?

I wish i could draw too but somehow my attention leans more on reading and writing than actually learning how to draw. so I'm working on writing more :3

It's great to see a writer thread here for ONCE. Everything is comic related so I can't find anyone to relate too.

My name's sho nice to meet you!

I'm currently working on a book about a girl who gets transported to another world and she possesses a cool purple mist power.

Right? Love all the comic things around here, very helpful to those who want to get to know the comic creating process, start their own, or get some help, but there needs to be a little more love for the writers, savvy? I've a couple of writer topics that I started myself—well, three now including the newest one.

From Fan Work to Original2
Writers in Progress3
Tapas Book Club1

Also, your idea sounds pretty cool. If you ever post it on Tapas, would love to take a look.

Thanks for responding to me! I'm new to Tapas, so it's nice to see other writers here. Your story sounds interesting :slight_smile:

I'll definitely go check them out?

I wish tho that Tapas would make seperate sections for writing and comics