41 / 51
Jul 2021

I almost never draw my characters in the same outfits twice :sob:

1 month later

No, both of my characters are fashion disasters! One just doesn't care and the other one is really trying but not the greatest.

My characters wear t-shirts and jeans or shorts almost exclusively since they're modeled after the employees at the pizzeria where I actually worked and that was basically the entire "uniform."

So no. No they do not.

I like to think my guy Andy does. :smiley:

Especially compared to Bax, who is just:

Besides, I see them somewhat influence style-wise on each other:

Almost forgot Bax's mom, Terra, she is fine:

@lidiash ooooff, Andy is criminally hot, one fire extinguisher for this guy :tapa_mummy:

I do have characters that would, canonically, have drip. However I, the creator, have no sense of fashion so my poor children are limited by my weak fashion taste.

Same, I don't have the best style, so when it comes to the modern AU, I look at trends and take in consideration the characters age, while with the actual storyline - since its fantasy, I look at historical fashion.

Haha that makes sense. Me I just find weird trendy websites and magazines I like then I just throw together whatever seems right for my characters and pray.

Genji definitely be drippin'. Unfortunately he's a novel character so I don't have any pictures, description is going to have to do.

So here it is, two words: Tailored Suit.

Doesn't get any drippier than that.