7 / 17
Apr 2021

I'm just wondering if anyone else here gets anxious about their content and it's reception or it's quality. Like, when I hit "Publish", my stomach feels airy for quite a bit afterwards, and when I wake up I get this wave of "Are you sure it's actually good?"

I do suffer from an anxiety disorder, so that very likely has a lot to do with it haha.

But to those who have experienced this, I'm just curious about your perspective on it. It sometimes gets so intense I want to quit, when just yesterday I was passionate about creating.

I suppose it's just the act of putting my work, and therefore myself, out there for anyone to see and criticize.

Looking forward to other peoples thoughts and experiences on the matter :slight_smile:

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    Apr '21
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    Apr '21
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When i uploaded my first pages, i became nervous and excited, but as i uploaded more chapters and got more positive comments, the nervousness diminishes, and the excitement increases.

Still get nervous over important big chapters tho.

Definitely. I'm more nervous about publishing new episodes of Thousand Kisses than I am The Fox & The Mouse, but the nerves are still there. You just need to push through it, I guess.(I have anxiety and depression so I get how you feel, by the way)

I only get nervous when I do a stylistic change that overhauls the comic. Like...I hope I don't lose readers over this. But...as far as I know, my style changes have only brought in new readers.

Man, all the time. I have two strategies to deal with it: first, I schedule all my updates several days in advance. Then I try to not think about it. Sometimes I only notice that I updated it one day after it when I login to check stuff I follow lol It ends up skipping the anticipation part and making it way less painful.
The second thing I do is make as many episodes as I can without publishing them. That's because when I update, my mind gets too busy thinking of the reactions (or lack of) in the previous episode and I can't properly focus on making the next one. Working in batches ended up being more productive to me.

I don't get nerves about posting new episodes, and I schedule them anyway; but I do feel a little anxious about my early ones, especially when advertising my comic to new people. The pacing is off, and the episodes are much too short. I intend to go back and update it at some point, ideally once I've built up a larger buffer than I have currently; but I should really should just start on some thumbnailing and sketches for it in my free time.

I do all the time. Sometimes it's hard to tell if my comic is actually bad or if it's the depression talking. If I do have issues controlling those thoughts, I take a break from the webcomic space and do something else.
Whenever I feel rational again, I read through my comic and assure myself that it's not as bad as my depression says it is.
It's not as perfect as I wish it was, but it's not horrendous. The fact that there's a small group of people willing to read every week, is a nice serotonin boost. I just take a deep breath, post, and leave immediately. If I hang around I'll end up refreshing the page a billion times, worried about the lack of feedback. I check back the next day or later.

I just started my first web novel recently, and posting that first chapter did make me feel a bit anxious, but I was mostly motivated to write more and excited to see how people would react to my story.

All the time, specially because I'm publishing it in English (my third language) and I'm not fluent on it. I have a proofreader but she's been busy with life the past 2 months so I have risked to publish it with all my spelling mistakes. :sweat_smile::pensive::pensive::pensive::pensive:
About my messy unclean art... I have accepted it oTL

Every. Single. Time.

I try to schedule my episodes ahead of time so that I don’t feel like I’m rushing my content. But I still get that punch-in-the-gut feeling when I wake up and remember an episode published :cry_02:

That anxiety life really sucks sometimes. :sweat_02:

It be like this uploading:

At this point I am indifferent, sooner or later it needs to be published.

I´m anxious about art, it holds me back from finishing stuff I´m working on and going back to training,
I train a lot.
It´s weird because I never cared when it comes to music, I played a show 2 weeks after I got my
first upright bass and I was convinced that I´m good enough, I played shows with no rehearsal
and sometimes without even learning the songs. I feel like being a good musician and
a lousy comic artist

Happens to me all the time... I usually rewrite my chapters at least 2-3 times before uploading. But then somewhere down the line, I hate what I wrote and the direction it's leading towards and I go back to revise it. I'm currently on a hiatus for two of my three novels simply because I couldn't bear to see what I wrote. T^T I wish I had more confidence with my stories, but it's so hard...


I try to rationalize it by reminding myself that I haev stared at the page for hours. So ayn humor that's in there, or suspense or emotion... will not be that impactful for me anymore.
but a reader who sees it for the first time and for maybe a minute or two, will experience it much differently.

it's also a bit like the phenomenon where other ppls cooking always tastes so much better than your own, even if you are objectively a good cook. knowing all the steps youve taken to get ot the result, just take away from the magic

All the time. I hoped it would go away but it sometimes becomes even worse :open_mouth:

Yes, I get slightly anxious every time I publish a new chapter; I am a perfectionist myself, so I take more time than I'd like to finish stuff because I want it to be perfect. However, I also get SUPER EXCITED, so I think it's good overall. I want to deliver something meaningful and good, and I am also excited to do so as a challenge to myself xD

Yes, yes I do! I'm always afraid people are gonna think it's bad, that my art sucks, that the characters/story is boring... Because to me, on days where my depression hits hard, I think all those things.

I guess for me, I tell myself that my love for creating is always more important. People may not like it, but not everyone is going to like my stuff. What's important is that I love it. I love my art, I love my characters, they mean everything to me, and it's truly my passion in life.

Also what @/Yulek said is SO true!