9 / 80
Apr 2021

Thanks for the thread! Promoting is always hard on a holiday. But Dragon Knight could always use more love:

It's draining to promote your stuff on any platform. But keep pushing and you will get to you goal :hype_01:

I feel that. I have midterms and I'm so exhausted :weary:

It definitely can be quite exhausting sometimes to keep on promoting. I do learned that taking a break from promoting helps a lot.

Good lord, if this ain't the truth. The pressure to do that and give content constantly...oh dear

I feel this all the time!!! Especially when I write some cool twist for my series and people are like "welp!" It can be discouraging for sure.

might as well join in
Happy Easter guys

Happy Easter! May as well try a promotion when I can, eh?
Putting the banner here because Tapas won't show it on desktop anymore

Been having a rough few days so yeah, doing this should cheer me up. Haven't promoted in a while anyway. Here's my baby :slight_smile:

I never know how to promote my comics so yes, thanks for the thread!

Thanks for the thread, I am new promoting my projects hahaha

Here's some of my comics :slight_smile:

I'm one sub away from 30, so hopefully I can break that milestone!

Also, if anyone would be interested in slightly more targeted / organized promotion, please take a look here?

Why not. I just uploaded a holiday Easter illustration today :smile:

Thank you for the thread! it's very relatable to us struggling writers.
I get the annoyance of promoting but to me it's worth it if I get the chance to find at least one person that will read my stuff and genuinely enjoy it.

Here's my novel if you end up liking it please let me know!

From word one, I feel like my writing has so much to offer. Promoting, though needful, seems like begging. Like my motto states: "Oh well." Here are some cool reads. :grin:

Thanks for the thread!
