26 / 36
Aug 2017

I remember being super happy with a drawing you did of one of my characters, so I'm submitting another. :slight_smile:

This is Megan, one of the secondary characters of my comic. She has a bit of a short fuse, and doesn't like to do any housework, which drives her roommate crazy. Her favorite sport is American football, and she pretty much has a crush on any linebacker. And finally, she loves heavy metal and sometimes annoys the neighbors when she cranks up the radio.

@candaceandco Here you go! You said she didn't like housework, so I assume that if she's going to do it, she'll be jamming to some metal :slight_smile:

Well sure, you can draw one of mine:

This is my reference sheet, though it is very old.

Her name is Rose, and she hasn't much happyness in her life, living under the tyranny of her evil dobbelganger twin.

can we still post n wait till you're done with the first batch

I'm sorry, but as for the time being I don't have time to do more than the 10 I have already done. I will in all likelyhood do something like this in the future. On the other hand I have a contest running where you can win a full illustration. You can read about that here1