80 / 196
Mar 2021

lol mine is literally black, sometimes white or just a color without anything in it, is it because I am too lazy to create one No
(maybe :smirk:)
But eh
I'll fix it later



both from my comic cover. I made a new cover for a new year to make it stick out more compare to the old original one.

i actually have 2 be baiting for romance when it's just 18th century fashion show off



I recently drew a new thumbnail!






I don't know which one should I use. But I'm now using second one :grin:

about to upload the first chapter per say of my monster horror, but the prologue is already up!

hope you enjoy it

My thumbnail is a crop of a larger piece that's likely going to become the cover of issue 5 when I get there.
I posted it with a piece of the script that's spoiler free:
And a voice spake from deep in the ancient belly of the universe. It whispered with the unimaginable touch of space and time so only a single woman could hear. And the voice said to her, "Not yet."

This is the MC and his magical armor from before I finalized the colors (the edges of the helmet/pauldron are gold instead of black). I was thinking about changing it but I still like how the black and red fade together. Indecisiveness strikes again, I guess.

one of the MCs Im kinda using him as the pr mascot xD
Thats the oldest drawing I have of him and exactly how I saw him on my dream

Probably my favorite depiction of Jack and Ed as well.

1 year later