I'm referring to this. So "normal delay" is in probably there are internal reasons episodes don't appear instantly. I know one reason it can be wonky has to do with preventing fake spam accounts that publish their nonesense. At a total guess, maybe if there's a lot of new episodes published around the same time, it causes a delay.
You could have been flagged, but they also could have just missed you when searching. I was going to actually check, but I didn't since you said you appeared in Fresh, I assumed things were fine. Edit: I will say. Ratique probably would have mentioned it if you were pulled and that was why you didn't appear in Fresh. Though maybe they just hadn't looked into it yet, since they wanted to see in the first place if it was just a delay. I'm sorry I can only guess about background machinations!
I've never noticed a delay, but I schedule my updates ahead of time, and they can go live while I'm working and don't check until later. That I'm aware of, it's always seemed immediate.
I guess its worth noting that I'm also only on the website though. I don't appear on the app anyway due to mature content. =P
Lol, mine appeared more than a day later... but already under all the other releases (what would be its original placement if it has been updated at the time it was uploaded), what pushed it to bottom, so the 'point' of being in fresh, that is to be on the top for a little while, was gone. XD
Well.. let's keep working, I guess...
Unfortunately we're unable to respond to forum messages right away. Thank you for being patient.
As I mentioned, series sometimes take time before appearing as they're working through out system. If they don't appear for more than 24 hours, feel free to let us know so we can ensure everything is working smoothly. I do not recommend deleting and re-uploading episodes, as that can cause further delays - I'm glad it seemed to work out this time.
Ratique has stated that Tapas reviews all the content on the site in the mature filter thread3, so I'm guessing the delays are due to an increased amount of new episodes for the team to manually look through.
Like when I first began posting my newest series Copula, it didn't appear in Fresh for a little bit, still within 24 hours though. And it wasn't until several episodes in that it would appear quicker. Perhaps since it was a new series, more time had to be spent to make sure it wasn't spam/ecchi/etc.
My guess is that mature episodes and series that have had mature episodes could take longer to greenlight. Staff might need the extra time to make sure the updates don't contain any shenanigans that could get Tapas stripped from the app store.
This happened to me when I updated last week. It wasn't an issue of just wanting to appear in the fresh section, or my being impatient- my novel completely disappeared in all searches. It was really frustrating because right before the update I was listed pretty high in the "popular, BL, free to read" search. At the time, I was getting around 10-15 new subscribers a day (which for me was amazing), then I added a new chapter, and my story would only show up to current subscribers and if you directly typed it in in the search bar.
It suddenly appeared 12 hours later, but all the engagement I got from current subscribers didn't count in the algorithm and my novel never recovered its place in the search. It's slowly gaining traction again, and I just updated today, and my novel didn't disappear this time. But I'm really concerned it will happen again.
I was told I just needed to be patient, and it didn’t seem like the real issue was being heard.
By the way, the novel is a BL story, but the chapter wasn't rated Mature.
Thank you! For 5 whole days is was like that- I couldn't believe it! I'm sad that I lost that momentum, but I'm appreciative of the readers I did gain. I'm okay to be back to slow-and-steady, but I'm concerned that it's happening to other people, and we are just told that we need to wait. For us smaller creators, it can be devastating for our growth.
I really hope the root of the issue can be recognized and fixed.
I think the root of the frustration is the unlisting on not just fresh, but on popular and trending as well. And like @LettieKat said, having to constantly re-enter the algorithm is frustrating and a little demotivating.
Trust me, I understand that tapas needs to do what it can to align with app guidelines, but it’s also frustrating that this happens to certain creators every time they upload a mature episode. I could see if it was sporadically happening and they screened samples of mature marked episodes.
I’m sure they don’t wanna run into people not marking then running the risk of getting their entire series flagged which causes problems for the creator and tapas.
Hence why they review all content uploaded regardless if it's mature or not.
I just used examples of mature episodes or series that have a history of mature episodes because those need more scrutiny. They could still contain imagery that's not allowed on the app even with the tag.
I understand it's frustrating especially with not showing up in Fresh/Popular/Trending, but since those lists are publicly visible on the app, Tapas doesn't want to run to risk of getting flagged for anything that may have slipped by and having it affect all creators with the app being removed.